




1.刘瑞琪 ... 大绿柄桑( iroko) 奥瑟契苏木( wawa) 灌木黄檀( tuppwood) ...

4.喜娃 二胡《人勤春来早》伴奏,跪求!!!帮忙传一下!!! zf20205 5-25 喜娃 wawa 喜娃 wawa 12-22 ...

5.妈妈 wawa 妈妈 vickie 妈 ...

6.雨诺 ... 英小姐88 lynntha 雨诺 WAWA 蘑蘑小菇凉 yeyangjinghan ...

7.澳门 "> 二皇冠:咪咪_ gogo "> 五皇冠:澳门 wawa "> 四皇冠:91正品 shop ...

8.妖娇 • 少少• A-SO • 妖娇WaWa • 阿侃• Suan ...


1.However, Jinsheng is forced to let Mingming leave as WaWa is in her hand.可是,明明以娃娃的性命要挟,金生只好让她离去。

2.Ep495 - Jianzhong persuades WaWa to keep away from Mingming as he thinks that Mingming has not changed.建中劝娃娃勿再与明明交往,因为他认为明明根本没有悔改。

3.Meanwhile, WaWa regains her eyesight after a cornea transplantation operation. Jianzhong is overjoyed.另一方面,娃娃接受眼角膜移植手术后重见光明,建中欣喜万分。

4.WaWa later invites Shuibo to have breakfast with her at Jinsheng's house. Shuibo is gratified.不久,娃娃邀请水波到吴家共享早餐,水波非常欣慰。

5.A boatman paddles his bamboo raft along the river at Wawa Dam, Phipppines.菲律宾船夫沿着瓦瓦坝河划着竹筏。

6.It turned out that the girl child given Wawa Qin, grow up, of course, to get married.原来,姑娘小时候定的娃娃亲,长大了,理所当然要出嫁。

7.In the meantime, Old Madam Hong asks Jianzhong get engaged with WaWa. Jinsheng gives his consent without hesitation.另一方面,洪老太向金生提亲,金生毅然答应先让建中与娃娃订婚。

8.Ep517 - Zhaoyi steals an old photo, which features Aipng and young WaWa, from WaWa's house.昭仪在娃娃家中偷取了爱玲与小娃娃的旧合照,娃娃全不知情。

9.Meanwhile, Mingming pretends to repent for what she has done and asks WaWa to keep the secret of her past.同时,明明也在娃娃面前假装忏悔,要她保守秘密,不在人前提及明明的过去。

10.In the meantime, WaWa plans to leave the Hong family, but she is stopped by Jianzhong.另一方面,娃娃认为自已是不祥人而离开洪家,幸被建中及时阻止。