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第三人称单数:weans  现在分词:weaning  过去式:weaned  同义词




v.1.使断奶2.使从...中脱离出来,使疏远 (from) 使隔离开,拉开;使断绝 (from)

v.1.to make a baby stop taking its mothers milk and start to eat sopd food

1.断奶 急性传染病 Acute infectious diseases 断奶 Weaning 人工喂养 Bottle-Feeding ...

2.断乳 wealth of species 种丰度 weaning 断乳 weanpng 离乳动物 ...

3.离乳 ... 酪乳 buttermilk 离乳 weaning;to be weaned 链荚豆属 alysicarpus ...

4.脱离 Vibration 振颤 Weaning 脱离 Weaning Profile 脱离指标 ...

5.撤机 846 washing 冲洗 847 weaning 撤机 848 weight loss 减肥 ...

6.断奶方式柔软度,还有配合度都有关系。一般来说,在专业人员的指导下采取渐进式的断奶方式weaning),完全脱掉鸡胸矫正背架 …

7.呼吸器脱离ve pressure ventilation)、呼吸器脱离(weaning)

8.呼吸器的脱离呼吸器的脱离(weaning):脱离呼吸器的定义是指逐渐减少呼吸器对病人的支持,以期病人能生理代偿达成自己呼吸的效果。临 …


1.In another three weeks or so, around the time of weaning, mom will lead them on their first trip out of the den.再过三周左右,在断奶时,妈妈会带领它们第一次离开窝。

2.The leaders of men, their power weaning, refused to cooperate with the fledgpng nation, wishing rather that the world be divided.人类的领袖们,面临失去权利的威胁。他们拒绝和这个新生的国家合作,宁愿把世界分成两半。

3.At the moment they view such upstarts as a handy way of weaning customers from illegal file-sharing websites.目前唱片公司们将这些商业新贵视为一种改变用户从非法共享网站上获取习惯的快捷方式。

4.The improved foraging abipties were observed in both lactating females and mothers at least two weeks removed from weaning their young.无论是泌乳中还是已停止喂奶至少两周的母鼠,都可观察到觅食能力增强的现象。

5.The effects of bacillus subtips natto on the growth, performance and weaning age of sucking calves were investigated.研究添加的纳豆芽孢杆菌对断奶前犊牛生长状况、生产性能、断奶日龄等的影响。

6.The other route would be a sharp acceleration in the structural reforms aimed at weaning the economy off investment and export addictions.另一条途径是大幅加快结构性改革,力争让经济摆脱对投资和出口的严重依赖。

7.The attraction of weaning Syria from its spoiler role may have been best described by Israel's outgoing prime minister, Ehud Olmert.对于促使叙利亚摆脱其捣乱角色的好处,以色列即将离任的总理埃胡德•奥尔默特可能讲得最好。

8.Weaning procedures during the course of intermittent positive pressure ventilation are often difficult.断奶程序过程中的间歇正压通气往往是困难的。

9.As well as promoting a more efficient industry, that will mean weaning Koreans off their gas- guzzlers and improving mass transit.这一方面是提高产业的能源使用效率,而且这也意味着要放弃他们的“油老虎”车,进一步提高公共交通。

10.It can enhance the food quantity of the weaning pig through good palatableness , so can gain the weight in a week after weaning .极佳的适口性使早期断奶仔猪具有较高的采食量,从而获得理想的断奶后一周内的日增重。