




1.戴着头盔 ... wear a hat 戴顶帽子 wear a helmet 戴着头盔(防护帽) after school 放 …

2.戴头盔 睡觉 be in bed 戴头盔 wear a helmet 骑自行车 ride a bike ...

3.带头盔 21. 在周末 on weekends / on the weekend 25. 带头盔 wear a helmet ...


1.He said: " all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, I wear a helmet for my own safety. "美国代表疑惑不解,摇头不干,说:“我戴安全帽是为了我自己的安全,不是给哪一位领导看的。”

2.Of the parents surveyed, 67% said the fear of neck injury was the most important reason their children did not wear a helmet.67%的受访家长表示没给他们的孩子戴头盔的最重要原因是担心孩子颈部受到伤害。

3.They are the reasons causing accidents tragedy that not wear a helmet, speeding, drunken driving, these tragedy caused many famipes broken.不戴安全帽,超速行驶,醉酒驾驶,这些都是造成车祸悲剧发生的原因,这些悲剧造成了许多家庭的破碎。

4.On which part of our bodies do we wear a helmet?我们在身体的哪部分戴头盔的呀?

5.Wear a helmet if you do sports that recommend one, as both Mars and Uranus are in Aries, the sign of the head.有必要的情况下一定要使用头盔等护具,这是由于火星和天王星都位于象征头部的白羊座。

6.Wear a helmet when riding helmet should not feel tight, and wrap a head of strangulation caused shortness of breath.戴头盔骑车时不应感到头盔紧勒脖子并紧裹头部引起呼吸不畅。

7.to enter the construction site must wear a helmet, heights must be fastened seat belt, the correct use of personal protective equipment.进入施工现场必须戴好安全帽,高处作业必须系牢安全带,正确使用个人防护用品。

8.Your entire pfe is at hazard unless you wear a helmet when you ride your motorcycle.骑摩托车时要带头盔,否则你的生命会面临危险。

9.all to the construction site must wear a helmet, and prohibits foreign people without fixed duties to the construction site.所有进入施工现场人员必须正确佩戴安全帽,并禁止外来闲杂人员进入施工现场。

10.foreign workers into the site must wear a helmet and comply with the site safety management regulations.外来人员进入工地时须戴安全帽并遵守工地安全管理规定。