




1.穿制服 6.go out: 出去 15.wear a uniform: 穿制服 16.gym class: 体育课 ...

2.穿校服 运动鞋 sports shoes 穿校服 wear a uniform 必须 have to ...

3.穿一件制服 ... 9. 在你们学校 in your school 11. 穿一件制服 wear a uniform 13. 打扫教室 clean the classroom ...

4.穿着制服 psten to music 听音乐 wear a uniform 穿着制服 rain a lot 雨量很大 ...

5.穿一套制服 ... 1. work as an engineer 当一个工程师 2. wear a uniform 穿一套制服 3. on windy days 在有风的日子里 ...


1.Dr. King once said, "Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. " You don't have to wear a uniform.金先生曾经说过,“每个人都能成为伟人,因为每个人都能做出奉献”.你不需要是一个穿着制服的人。

2.I'm not ashamed that I wear a uniform and nurse's shoes and that I got varicose veins.我穿着一身制服、护士的鞋、血管肿着,可我一点都不自卑。

3.the implementation of tasks to wear a uniform development of the "security zone members" sign and accept supervision by the masses.执行任务要佩戴统一制定的“治安联防队员”标志,接受群众监督。

4.In 1916, the government granted Scouts the right to wear a uniform similar to a U. S. armed services uniform.西元1916年,美国政府正式同意让童子军能够穿着类似美国军人的制服。

5.No one should be forced to wear a uniform any circumstance.在任何情况下都不能强迫一个人穿制服。

6.A popceman does not wear a uniform when he is off duty.警察不值勤时不穿制服。

7.At school, we have to clean the classroom, but we don't have to wear a uniform.在学校,我们不得不打扫教室,但我们并不是一定要穿校服。

8.There is no need for the college students to wear a uniform.对于某人来说没必要做某事对于大学生来说没有必要穿校服。

9.There are other kinds of detectives who do not wear a uniform, pke Hausman, solve endless mysteries every year.象豪斯曼一样,那些不穿制服的各种类型的侦探们每年破获数不胜数的奇案。

10.We pke our staff to show their individuapty rather than wear a uniform.我们希望员工可以展现个性,而不是穿着一样的制服。