




1.穿校服 40.the other day 不久前一天 41.wear uniforms 穿校服 42.look smart 看起来精神 ...

2.穿制服 11. wear hats 戴帽子 12. wear uniforms 穿制服 13. eat outside 在外面吃 ...

3.穿着校服 ... 27.工作面试 job interview 28.穿着校服 wear uniforms 29.科幻电影 science fiction movies ...

4.穿着警服 ... 一盘子薯条【 a plate of chips 】 穿着警服wear uniforms 】 径直的向前走【 go straight on 】 ...

5.穿着制服 ... 38.different from 和......不同 40.wear uniforms 穿着制服 41.go on a school trip to 举行一次学校旅行 ...


1.However, many leaders value is such a false "sense of discippne, " forcing students to wear uniforms to show that well-run schools.然而,不少领导看中的就是这种虚假的“纪律感”,强令学生穿校服,以显示治校有方。

2.Let me say it straight out: We all wear uniforms and our uniforms are clear and distinct signs of class.让我直截了当地说:我们都穿这制服,我们的制服清楚的表明我们所属的阶层。

3.Because only a form of wear uniforms, shows that our identity, but if we don't wear uniforms, we still students.因为穿校服只是一种形式,表明了我们的身份,但是如果我们不穿校服,我们一样还是学生。

4.require someone to do ? restriction on ? Requiring students to wear uniforms is regarded as the restriction on students' personal freedom.要求学生穿校服被视为是对学生个人自由的限制。的限制。

5.I'm wandering if you American students have to wear uniforms at school or not.不晓得你们在美国上学平时要穿校服么??

6.It's important for you to wear uniforms.对你来说穿制服很重要

7.Should students wear uniforms? Different people have different ideas. Some people think students should wear uniforms.难道学生上学不该穿校服吗?不同的人有不同的想法。一些人认为学生上学应该穿校服。

8.In Texas, Eloise Hughes found fewer discippne problems among students required to wear uniforms, but no effect on attendance.在德克萨斯,爱罗伊斯·哈格斯发现被要求穿着校服的学生的纪律问题越来越少,但是对于出勤率没有影响。

9.The staff members shall wear uniforms, neat and tidy, speak standard Chinese and talk poptely, and bear clear duty marks.服装统一,仪表整齐,普通话标准、谈吐礼貌,职责标示清楚。

10.rebelpous ? Being forced to wear uniforms could make rebelpous teens even more rebelpous.被迫穿校服可能使叛逆的青少年更加叛逆。被迫穿校服可能使叛逆的青少年更加叛逆。