

weather forecaster

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复数:weather forecasters  

n.1.someone whose job is to study the weather and say what it will be pke in the future


1.The city continued to endure 90-degree temperatures, and weather forecasters said the smog could return as soon as the wind shifts.莫斯科仍在忍受32摄氏度的高温,天气预报说,一旦风向改变,烟尘可能还会回来。

2.Word has it that China's weather forecasters expect rain in the next few days, but they are too skittish to make an official prediction.中国天气预报学家预期在未来几天内将会下雨,但他们因为太恐慌以至于没有给出官方预测。

3.Weather forecasters say the freezing conditions in the area around the Bohai Sea are expected to worsen, due to recent cold snaps.天气预报称,因为近期寒流影响,环渤海地区的冰冻天气将加剧。

4.The only fly in the ointment could be the weather. Forecasters admitted that a burst of April showers was a distinct possibipty.唯一美中不足的是天气。气象预报员称,婚礼当天很有可能会下雨。

5.Weather forecasters say the storm has weakened to a tropical depression as it moved toward northern Bangladesh.气象预报说,这场旋风向孟加拉国北部移动时减弱为热带低气压。

6.Although the waters are receding, weather forecasters predict more heavy rain following (rainfall in) the next two months.尽管洪水正在退去,气象预报员预计在接下来两个月将会有更多降雨。

7.Weather forecasters are not always right: witness (ie look at the example of) their recent mistakes.天气预报并非一贯正确--就看看他们最近的预报错误吧。

8.As the current storm system moves eastward, weather forecasters say more precipitation is expected to move into the area.根据暴雨往东部移动的情况,气象预报表示会有更多的降雪及降雨。

9.Other U. S. weather forecasters, including private and university researchers, also are predicting an active hurricane season.包括私人和大学的研究人员在内的美国气象预报员们也纷纷预计今年会有一个活跃的飓风季。

10.Weather forecasters said much of Thursday's snowfall missed hard-hit Shandong province, a major wheat-producing region.天气预报说,星期四的大部分降雪没有覆盖旱情严重的主要小麦产区山东省。