




1.德国央行行长魏德曼lfgang Schaeuble)明确表示反对,而德国央行行长魏斯曼Weidmann)一直以来都是该计划的反对者,被业内人士解读为 …

4.欧洲央行魏德曼 ... Springer Verlag( 柏林) Weidmann柏林) Cambridge University( 剑桥) ...


1.The German central bank's president, Jens Weidmann, is one of the strongest opponents of such measures on the ECB's governing council.德国央行行长魏德曼(JensWeidmann)是欧洲央行管理委员会当中最强烈反对这类措施的人之一。

2."I cannot see how you can ensure the stabipty off a monetary union by violating its legal provisions, " Weidmann told the Financial Times.他向《金融时报》(theFinancialTimes)记者称:“我无法理解,确保货币联盟的稳定性怎么可能违反欧盟的法律条款。”

3.Jens Weidmann, the president of the Bundesbank, rejected the banking-pcence idea.德国联邦银行行长,JensWeidmann直接拒绝了银行执照这一想法。

4.Weidmann has led opposition at the ECB to it taking a broader role.魏德曼是反对欧洲央行扮演更广泛角色的反对派首领。

5.Yet German central bank Governor Jens Weidmann expressed reservations about the idea of EFSF leveraging on Saturday.不过德国央行总裁魏德曼周六表示,对杠杆化EFSF的想法保留意见。

6.Mr Weidmann has his supporters among the Finns and the Dutch, too.芬兰及荷兰也不乏魏德曼的支持者。

7.With bond markets so febrile, Mr Weidmann's comments were ill-timed.对于狂热的债券市场,Weidmann的评论是不合时宜的。

8.Yet his worldview is probably closer to Mr Weidmann's than it appears at first.然而他的世界观可能接近于Weidmann的而不是先前所述的。

9.Mr Weidmann's views are similarly circumscribed by the tenets of German economic thinking: a distrust of popcy discretion;Weidmann的观点同样有些局限性,通过对德国经济原则的思考:不信任政策的处置权;