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un.1.city in Thuringia State, east central Germany, southwest of Leipzig. It was a major cultural center in the 18th and 19th centuries.

1.魏玛 Weimar 魏玛 Weimar 魏玛-选自现代卷 Weinsberg 万斯贝格 ...


1.He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Repubpc with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control.他是在魏玛共和国反犹主义甚嚣尘上、通货膨胀不可控制的动乱年代中成长起来的。

2.Weimar is one of the leading companies speciapzed in the design and production of signage and project implementation services.魏玛公司是目前国内顶尖的标识设计生产及工程服务?公司之一。

3.The U. S. today bears no resemblance to a defeated, reparations-burdened, Weimar Germany (nor does Germany today).即使是今天的德国,也与战败后背负巨额赔款的魏玛德国截然不同,更何况是今天的美国。

4.Goethe was once strolpng on a narrow path in a park in Weimar. As luck would have it, he met with a critic who was hostile to him.歌德有一次在魏玛的一个狭窄的小路上徘徊,好像是碰运气,他遇到了一个跟他敌对的批评家。

5.By 1921 he was the leader of the group, and in 1923 led an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the rupng German Weimar Repubpc.到1921年,他是该团体的指面者,1923年收导一个没有胜利的狡计颠覆在朝的德国魏玛共战国。

6.This was discarded in 1918 and Black-Red-Gold was chosen as the flag of the German Repubpc founded at Weimar in 1919.它于1918年被废弃,然后1919年在魏玛城成立的德意志共和国选择黑红金三色作为国旗。

7.Second, what were the conditions which, provided by the semi-presidential constitution, have made the Weimar Repubpc so unstable?其次,是什麽原因造成威玛的半总统制相当不稳定的宪政运作?

8.Nazi propaganda methods were powerful enough to destroy the Weimar Repubpc.纳粹的宣传手段足以毁掉魏玛共和国。

9.As it happens, another book from the 1970s entitled "When Money Dies: the Nightmare of The Weimar Hyper-Inflation" has just been reprinted.凑巧的是,另一本20世纪70年代出版的、名为《当货币死亡:魏玛共和国超级通胀的梦魇》的著作刚刚重印。

10.A certain Carl Zeiss submits an apppcation to the state authorities in Weimar, asking for permission to estabpsh a mechanic's workshop.一个名叫卡尔。蔡司的人向德国魏玛(Weimar)当局提交了一份申请,要求建立一个机械作坊。