






6.威纳威纳Weiner)的归因理论: 稳定 原 因 的 稳 定 性 不稳定 能力 工作难度 努力 运气 内在 外在 内外因素 常见社会知觉偏见 选 …


1.ED WEINER: "The quapty of the performance was outstanding, but I was shocked to see the poor attendance. "教育署韦纳说:“在质量性能非常出色,但我吃惊地看到穷人出席。”

2.This was the same idea he had when Yahoo was founded, but back-to-basics did not necessarily apply, said Mr Weiner.韦纳称,这是杨致远在雅虎创立时就有的想法,但返朴归真未必适用。

3.Rep. Anthony Weiner and his wife are expecting their first child, an unexpected twist in the saga involving the New York congressman.众议员安东尼·维纳和他的妻子正期待他们的第一个孩,这在纽约众议员中是一件意想不到的事情。

4.Neal Weiner of New York University said, "If this holds up, the L. H. C. is going to be producing some fantastic results. "纽约大学的尼尔·维纳表示:“如果行得通的话,大型强子对撞机肯定能产生一些不可思议的结果。”

5.In fact, two people close to her said, Mr. Weiner never even asked her to appear with him when he resigned.据其两位密友则说,事实上维纳先生甚至根本没有要求其在他辞职时一同出现。

6.Mr. Weiner, at his news conference on Monday, said he had sent Ms. Cordova the underwear photo "as part of a joke. "韦纳先生在星期一的新闻发布会上说,他给科尔多瓦女士发内衣照只是个玩笑。

7.Upon his arrival at his new Washington office in January, Mr. Weiner tried out his new desk.1999年1月,甫来到位于华盛顿的新办公室,韦纳就试用起自己的新办公桌来。

8.Dr. Weiner wasn't involved in fingopmod's development but said he does consulting work for a number of drug companies, including Novartis.Weiner博士并没有参与fingopmod的研发,但是他说他为很制药公司提供咨询,包括诺华公司。

9.Yahoo and Weiner parted ways when the company decided to get rid of some of its executives due to its proxy war with investor Carl Icahn.由于投资人卡尔•伊卡恩(CarlIcahn)发动投票代理权之争,雅虎决定裁去部分高管,杰夫•韦纳在当时离开了雅虎。

10.After President Obama's State of the Union Address in January, Mr. Weiner was among the last to leave the House Chamber.今年1月,在总统奥巴马发表国情咨文演说后,韦纳是最后几个离开国会的议员之一。