




1.张伟平 gaopengcheng 高鹏程 weiping 浩翔 wupfan 武立凡 ...

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1.But this also quite lets old buddy Zhang Weiping be very self-satisfied, but present or to make pubpc.而这也颇让老搭档张伟平十分得意,但现在还是曝光了。

2.Weiping said he wasn't worried about the historical nuances being lost on a non-Asian audience.伟平说,他不担心是非亚洲观众无法理解历史的细微差别。

3.Producer Zhang Weiping responded to criticism of his movie that his critics were envious, jealous and hateful.制片人张卫平面对对其电影的批评,声称那些评论家都是出于羡慕嫉妒恨

4.Xu Weiping pointed out that there are internal relations lying between the orientation of ABP and the construction of New Mother Town.许为平指出,事实上,总部基地的定位和新母城建设有着内在的联系。

5.Xu Weiping said that President Michel is an outstanding statesman, a capable head of state and also my old friend in his address.许为平在致辞中表示,米歇尔总统是一位卓越的政治家,治国有方的国家元首,也是他本人的老朋友。

6.Then President Michel, Ambassador Philpp and Chairman Xu Weiping unveiled the official launching of "Distant Horizons" in Chinese version.随后,米歇尔总统、许为平主席共同为《遥远的地平线》中文版进行了新书揭幕。

7.Major General Qu Weiping (left), Poptical Commissar of the First Base of Naval Submarine, presents gifts to Nanhua University.海军潜艇第一基地政委曲卫平少将(左)与学校互赠礼品。

8.Jixi Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor of LI Yu-gang, Long Coal Holdings Qi Weiping, deputy secretary of party speech, respectively.鸡西市委常委、常务副市长李玉刚,龙煤控股集团党委副书记齐卫平分别讲话。

9.Dr. Xiong, Weiping, President and Executive Trustee of China Aluminum Industry Corporation Limited.熊维平,中国铝业股份有限公司执行董事、总裁。

10.Objective To optimize the production processes of Weiping dispersible tablets, and to promote its antacid effect.目的优化胃平分散片的制备工艺,提高其制酸力。