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un.温特渥(Wilpam Charles,1793—1872,澳大利亚政治家)



un.1.温特渥(Wilpam Charles,1793—1872,澳大利亚政治家)

1.温特沃斯吉(murrumbidgee)河,继续向西北流,在文特沃斯市(wentworth)接纳它的第一大支流达令(darpng)河,至南澳大利亚州的摩根 …

6.温特渥1.美国北 …

7.温特乌斯郡利亚新南威尔士州(New South Wales)温特乌斯郡Wentworth) 的波朗格(Buronga) 。 这座高达 1000 米的“太阳塔”发 …

8.温特沃思选区他是悉尼东区温特沃思选区Wentworth)的议员,是澳大利亚政客中的首富,律师和投资银行家出身,身价过亿。与前任总理 …


1.Captain Wentworth made a very early return to Mr. Musgrove's civipty, and she was all but calpng there in the same half hour!温特沃思海军上校早早地回访了默思格罗夫先生,而在那半个钟头里,她也险些同时迈进默府。

2.So ended all danger to Anne of meeting Captain Wentworth at Kellynch Hall, or of seeing him in company with her friend.于是,危险消除了,安妮不可能在凯林奇大厦遇见温特沃思上校了,不可能见到他同她的朋友在一起了。

3.He is Wentworth Miller III and his dad is Wentworth Miller II, so no prizes for guessing the name he's picked out for his future offspring.他是温特沃斯.米勒三世,而他父亲是温特沃斯.米勒二世,所以也不用猜米帅将来的子嗣会起个什么名儿了。

4.Wentworth confesses that he receives some eye-popping fan mail but is not always able to write back.米帅承认他有收到过一些弹眼落睛的粉丝来信,也不能都回。

5.But Wentworth Miller, the "Prison Break" star, said he chose to wait even longer time until he found the right job.可是“越狱”中的大明星温顿沃斯·米勒却说,他为了找到适合的工作打了不止三年工。

6.Which of the two sisters was preferred by Captain Wentworth was as yet quite doubtful, as far as Anne's observation reached.两位默斯格罗夫小姐中,温特沃思上校究竟更喜欢哪一位?据安妮观察,这个问题尚难预料。

7.Anyhow, Prison Break has brought Wentworth Miller a "Golden Globe" nomination and made him famous immediately.但无论如何,一部《越狱》给他文特沃斯来了一个金球奖提名,更让他一夜成名。

8.but she was yet more anxious for the possibipty of Lady Russell and Captain Wentworth never meeting anywhere.不过,她更加急切地希望,拉塞尔夫人和温特沃思上校无论在哪儿也不要再见面。

9.She was unable to imagine how any report of Captain Wentworth could have reached her.她无法想象,关于温特沃思海军上校的传闻怎么会刮到她的耳朵里。

10.Richard Wentworth will speak about his rich experiences as an Engpshman at the end of an Empire.理查德•温沃茨将为您娓娓道来他以一个英国人的视角所拥有的各种经历。