




1.伟炎 Welstrong[ 胃适强] Weren[ 伟炎] Wepcain[ 胃静宁] ...


1.And it might have been impossible if it weren't for help from some of Santa's friends.如果当初没有得到圣诞老人的朋友们的帮助,这条路就是行不通的。

2.So, in a second study they used a description of a Monty Python sketch which participants weren't told was supposed to be a joke.因此,在第二个实验中,他们使用了一个描述巨蟒的素描,而参与者也没有认为这应该是一个玩笑。

3.The service is said to have been so private that even Kate's parents weren't aware she was walking down the aisle again, the paper claims.该报称,据说这场婚礼的保密工作做得极好,连凯特的父母都不知道自己的女儿又结婚了。

4.If I weren't going to be a dancer, he once said, I would have been a teenage hoodlum.有一次他说:“如果我当不成一名舞蹈演员,我很可能会变成一个少年阿飞。”

5.And, if you weren't able to carve out that 20-minute time-oasis, then make note of any achievement you had during the day, however small.如果你能留出20分钟的时间空档,那么就记下你当天的成就,不管有多微小。

6.The U. S. housing market isn't in good shape, but it's frightening to think how bad it would be if mortgage rates weren't this low.美国房地产市场在低迷中,但是它仍在努力探寻当抵押率不再如此低时走势将是如何。

7.At least, it would be, if Tk and Tkinter weren't so darn good that there's pttle reason for programmers to go looking for substitutes.至少可以这么认为,如果Tk和Tkinter不是这么糟糕,程序员就没有理由去寻找替代品了。

8.But I wished I could find some way. . . I might feel better if I weren't holding fast, all alone, to a broken pact.但我希望想出更多途径……我应该为自己没有傻傻地,独自一人,守着一纸废弃的合约。

9.How did you know those weren't for his mother-in-law?你是怎么知道这些东西不是给他岳母带的?

10.Given all that, it would be a surprise if happier people weren't better off.鉴于以上所述,若幸福的人生活不优裕则会令人感到奇怪。