




1.尼克后维尔尼克Wernicke)又发现了言语感觉中枢位于左半球的颞叶。英国神经病理学家杰克逊(Jackson)评论道:“如果认为 …

2.韦尼克韦尼克(Wernicke)脑病系因维生素B1及烟酸缺乏所致的中枢神经系统损害,常见于嗜酒者。临床表现典型者诊断不难,但因病 …

3.威尼克 可以看出, 在传统的语言中枢, 也就 是布洛卡( Broca) 区和威尼克( Wernicke) 区上, 默读汉字的激活明显大于默读数 字的激活。

4.颞上回后部颞上回后部Wernicke区)是听觉词汇形象的储存仓库.语义范畴的大德选择性损害:有些患者骨科表现出对某些语义范畴词 …

5.威尔尼克区 (二)威尔尼克区Wernicke 区) ? 1874 年,Carl Wernicke 描述了中风后有口语理解障碍的感觉性失语症病人情况。

6.韦尼克脑病韦尼克脑病(Wernicke)是维生素B1缺乏所引起的中枢神经系统疾病[1],主要表现为眼球运动障碍,小脑性共济失调,精神意识障碍 …

7.优势半球颞上回后部4、失用症 3、颞叶病变 颞叶病变,优势半球颞上回后部Wernicke 区)损害 患者能听见对方和自 颞叶病变 己说话的声音但 …

8.威尼科首先形成独特的威尼科Wernicke)语言理解区,因为抽象时间概念的理解,不单要对人类手势语言和复杂语调的把握,更要 …


1.In what have come to be known as Broca's area, Wernicke's area and angular gyrus, all located in the left hemisphere of the brain.位于被称为布罗卡区、韦尼克区和角形脑回的区域,它们都位于大脑左半球。

2.Doctors, the boy was to be Wernicke's encephalopathy is often a result of alcohol and neuromuscular diseases.医生讲,小伙得地是韦尼克脑病,是经常喝酒导致地神经肌肉病变。

3.A few years later German neurologist Carl Wernicke identified a second language center farther back, in the brain's left temporal lobe.几年之后德国神经学家卡尔·韦尼克确定了更远的第二个语言中心,它位于大脑左侧颞叶。

4.One is Broca's area at the front. The other is Wernicke's area further back in the brain.另一个观点是在前额布罗卡区域,其它是在大脑后部的韦克尼氏区域。

5.The second was attached to the Wernicke's area, an area just above the left ear that acts as a sort of language translator for the brain.第二个放置在韦尼克区,该区在左耳上部,类似于大脑的语言翻译。

6.BACKGROUND: Wernicke' s encephalopathy is usually associated with alcohol abuse, but can also occur with hyperemesis gravidarum.背景:韦尼克脑病通常与酗酒有关,但也可能发生妊娠剧吐。

7.The other is Wernicke's area farther back in the brain. That area is named after the 19th century German neurologist Carl Wernicke.另一块是靠后一点的韦尼克区,它是以19世纪德国神经学家卡尔•韦尼克命名的。

8.Wernicke' s encephalopathy and beriberi are discussed, highpghting that nystagmus may be the single ocular symptom.韦尼克脑病和脚气病的讨论,突出表明,眼球震颤可单眼部症状。

9.The other is Wernicke's area, farther back in the brain.另一个是脑后部的韦尼克氏区。

10.One unexpected finding: When the patient repeated words, the facial motor cortex was most active and Wernicke's area was less active.有个意想不到的发现:当患者重复单词时,面部运动皮层最为活跃、威尼克区活跃度则相当低。