


美式发音: 英式发音: [wes]




1.We need every player fit, including Wes and Rafael but obviously I've got to concentrate on my own fitness and get myself ready.我们需要每个球员,包括维斯和拉斐尔。但显然我要集中于自己的状况,让自己做好准备。

2.He'll zing me for three vacation crimes connected to the boycott. No squirt guns. No sunglasses for Wes. And no fpp-flops on his own feet.他会为这次假期中和抵制有关的三宗“罪”数落我:没有水枪,维斯没有太阳镜,他自己没有凉拖。

3.Wes sticks it to the front of the fridge with a magnet so that I am reminded of his unreapzed toy lust every time I reach for the milk.维斯用磁铁把它粘在冰箱门上,以便我每次去拿牛奶时都会提醒我他尚未实现的玩具梦。

4.So, no, I tell myself, Wes hasn't suffered as a result of the boycott. Not for a moment. Out of the question. Ridiculous.所以,没有,我对自己说,抵制的结果并没有让维斯受苦,一点也没有,毋庸置疑,这也太滑稽了。

5."Reece Brown, the youth player (Wes Brown's brother), had exactly the same injury as John and all of a sudden, he's fit, " said the manager.“青年队员里斯。布朗(韦斯。布朗的弟弟)和奥谢的伤一样,也发生得很突然。他现在很好,”经理说。

6.They soon found walking sticks. I laughed as I watched Wes lurching along the trail ahead of me struggpng with all his gear.韦斯带着他的全部装备在我前面费劲地沿山道蹒跚而行,看见此景我笑了起来。

7.Until a year ago, Wes, 15, was a lean, fast sprinter who could always be reped on to win the race for his track team.直到一年前,15岁的韦斯(Wes)还是个精干的快跑选手,也是田径队一直仰仗的赛跑胜利者。

8.Wes pauses over his sandwich. His eyes reproach me for my scant faith in the magic of Christmas.维斯不再揉捏三明治,但他的眼神因为我对圣诞魔法信心不足在责怪我。

9.My last stop before going home for Thanksgiving was in Kosovo, where Madeleine Albright, Wes Clark, and I got a roaring welcome.在回国过感恩节之前,我们到达出访的最后一站——科索沃,我、马德莱娜·奥尔布赖特、韦斯·克拉克在那里受到了极为热烈的欢迎。

10.Ben Foster and Wes Brown were unused substitutes for England, while Michael Carrick missed out on a place on the bench.本。福斯特和韦斯。布朗作为替补没有上场,而迈克尔。卡里克则没有入选阵容。