




1.湘西 ... 法院 Courthouse 湘西 Western Hunan 襄阳 Xiangyang ...

2.湘西地区 ... ) Xiangxi region 湘西地区 ) Western Hunan 湘西地区 ) western Hunan region 湘西地区 ...

3.大湘西 ... ) Daxiangxi 大湘西 ) western Hunan 大湘西 ) Dayong in West Hunan province 湘西大庸 ...



1.male: Welcome to Charming Western Hunan, a stage for Chinese history and culture, and a model of Chinese culture industry.男主持人:欢迎大家来到国家文化产业示范基地,中国民族历史文化大舞台——魅力湘西!

2.Life, one of the artistic dimensions of SHE Cong-wens novels on western Hunan, is the key to interpret SHEN s novels.“生命”作为沈从文湘西小说的艺术维度之一,是解读沈从文湘西小说的突破口。

3.In his memory, Western Hunan is beautified . The beautified Western Hunan makes the modern metropops appear ugly.在回忆中,湘西被美化了,而美化了的湘西更映衬出现代都市文明的丑陋。

4.Performers from western Hunan gave theatrical show with strong Xiangxi flavor to the Changsha audiences at the temple fair.庙会上,来自湖南张家界的戏剧演员们为长沙的观众带来了充满浓郁湘西风情的地方戏剧。

5.The Pyrite is one of main typomorphic characteristic of W-Sb-Au deposits series of western Hunan.黄铁矿是湘西钨锑金矿床系列的主要标型矿物之一。

6.male: Tonight is short but pretty. We, together, has experienced the romance, mystery, happiness, and passion of Western Hunan.男主持人:在这短暂而美好的时光,我们共同感受湘西的浪漫,湘西的神秘,湘西的快乐,湘西的激情!

7.The pfe of western Hunan obsessed him and appped him with many writing materials.湘西生活有令他推崇和着迷的巨大魅力,也为他的写作提供大量的素材。

8.Develops the western Hunan area vigorously, the promotion backward area development.大力开发湘西地区,促进落后地区发展。

9.This paper explores the typical relevance between folk culture and fashion in the tourist industry of Western Hunan.湘西旅游产业语境中的民间文化与时尚的关联性较为典型。

10.Miao habipments in western Hunan is a typical ref lection of Miao people's philosophy and dress aesthetics.湘西苗服体现了苗族自我,表现了独特的苗人哲学和服饰美学。