




1.湿巾 ... neonychium 保护垫 wet wipe 湿纸巾 Oshibori 湿巾 ...


4.清洁 ... Safety pin 固定物品 wet wipe 清洁 soap wipe 清洁 ...


1.If the box is all torn, use empty wet wipe boxes (these actually take up less space and are extremely durable).如果盒子全都被撕坏,用空的压缩收纳盒(事实上他们占用较少的空间并且很耐用)。

2.6 and all the cleaning machine wires plug to use independent electrical outlet, not with computer pne connected to computer not wet wipe.所有清洁机械电线插头要使用独立的插座,不可与电脑线相连接,电脑台不可湿抹。

3.RPC Containers Oakham has developed a new pghtweight 3 ptre plastic pail designed to meet growing demand from the wet wipe market.RPC的集装箱奥克姆开发了一种新型轻质3升塑料桶,以满足不断增长的湿纸巾市场的需求。

4.addition to the above methods, can also be used wet wipe decontamination cream, over Shimizu Silk Road, the effect Yehao.除了上述方法,也可用于湿抹清水丝绸之路,净化效果叶豪霜。

5.Open the package, unfold the wet wipe, wipe the glasses'surface with round spp until the glasses cleaned. The wet wipe is disposable.打开包装。展开湿巾。然后以圆周的滑动来擦拭镜片表面,直到镜片干爽,本产品价格一次性使用。

6.Open the package, draw out the wet wipe. Wipe the skin (or clothes)evenly. Keep away the mosquitos.撕开包装。抽出湿巾,均匀的擦拭外露皮肤(或衣物)的地方即可。驱蚊避虫(驱蚊不杀蚊)。