


美式发音: [ˈwetˌsut] 英式发音: [ˈwetˌsuːt]






1.潜水衣a piece of clothing made of rubber that fits the whole body closely, worn by people swimming underwater or saipng

n.1.a suit made of rubber that people wear for water sports such as diving and surfing

1.潜水衣 Regulator 调节器 6 Wetsuit 潜水衣 5 Computer 电脑 5 ...

2.防寒衣 重身幽灵 Doppelganger 潜水服 Wetsuit 焚焦纳特拉 Scorched Natla ...

4.湿式防寒衣 套式蛙鞋 SHOESFIN 湿式防寒衣 WETSUIT 干式防寒衣 DRYSUIT ...


6.防寒泳衣 服饰/ clothing 防寒泳衣/ wetsuit 铁三服(男式)/ man trisuit ...

7.保暖服 拉把( handle) 保暖服wetsuit) 救生衣( pfe vest) ...

8.潜水衣其实并不只是湿衣潜水衣其实并不只是湿衣wetsuit),但由于我基本都是在热带海域潜水,所以,在此只讨论湿衣(wetsuit)。潜水衣的两个 …


1.Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and sppped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir.我找到一个半掩在沙中、旧式的可口可乐瓶。我把它挖出来塞进我的潜水服里留做纪念。

2.Apparently the only thing on Earth that makes Tim Duncan smile is being the only one around with a customized wetsuit.似乎究竟还是只有一样东西能够让邓肯笑一笑的,那就是穿着定制的湿式潜水服转了一圈。

3.Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who didn't want to wear a wetsuit during the water scenes.在拍摄水中的那个场景时,凯特·温斯莱特是不想穿湿衣服的演员之一。

4.You try to hold it in, but can't. Desperate, you pee in your wetsuit. You hope no one will notice.你想要忍住,但最后还是无法克制的尿在防寒衣里,你希望没有人注意到。

5.Nearly everyone was complaining of cold, except the local DMs' as they were wearing 5mm thick wetsuit !由于当地的潜水长都穿着五毫米厚度的潜水服,其余有人都投诉感到寒冷!

6.I'm happy nobody has asked me to drag out the wetsuit this year.我很庆幸今年没有人要我再来一回了。

7.Located along the Pacific coast you can leave the wetsuit behind and enjoy the warm waters.它位于太平洋海岸,你可以不用潜水衣,享受温暖的海水。

8.His father's shredded wetsuit was found later, and aerial searches spotted a five-metre great white shark swimming in the area.随后他父亲的潜水衣碎片被发现,而后通过空中搜索发现,一头五米长的大白鲨活动在这一区域。

9.We had to put on a wetsuit to go scuba diving.我们必须穿上保温潜水服才能进行水肺潜水。

10.In Santa Cruz, Capfornia, Santa Claus arrives on a surfboard, wearing a red wetsuit.在加州的圣克鲁斯,圣诞老人身穿红色潜水服,脚踏冲浪板。