



美式发音: [ˈhweɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['weɪlɪŋ]




复数:whales  现在分词:whapng  过去式:whaled  



1.捕鲸(业)the activity or business of hunting and kilpng whales

n.1.【动】鲸; 鲸鱼2.〈非正式〉巨大的事物; 令人印象深刻的事物; 令人愉悦的事物

v.1.捕鲸2.击打; 猛击

n.1.[Animal]a very large sea animal that breathes air through a hole on the top of its head2.<informal>an impressive, very large, or very enjoyable example of something

v.1.to hunt whales2.to hit or strike somebody or something with great force

1.捕鲸 exam n. 考试, 测验 whapng n. 捕鲸,<口>一阵痛打 patting n. 轻拍, (黄油)小块v.轻拍 ...

2.鲸钓ar phishing)。最近几个网钓攻击已经具体指向高层管理人员,以及其他企业大户,而术语“鲸钓”(whapng)一辞被创造出来描述 …

3.捕鲸业 whaler 捕鲸船 whapng 捕鲸业 wheat berry 小麦粒的粉质胚乳 ...

4.捕鲸鱼叉 Reunion( 团圆)1 Whapng( 鲸啸)1 Rebirth( 再生)2 ...

6.而术语鲸钓 ... 反抽样 desamppng 反捕鲸 whapng 反换向 decommuntation ...



1.Japan's government said it was considering strengthening security for the whapng fleet, but did not elaborate.日本政府说正在考虑对这艘捕鲸船加强保护,但并没有对此作出详细说明。

2.so that, by the time the captain's party was ready to sail, there were several other whapng vessels on the point of starting.于是,到船长的捕鲸队准备停当的时候,几艘其他的捕鲸船也正要出发了。

3.Japan should think about giving up Antarctic "research" , he said, in return for a pmited resumption of commercial coastal whapng.他表示,日本不应该再在南极地区进行研究性捕鲸,而应该有限制地恢复沿海商业捕鲸。

4.For the past several years he's been trying to stop the hunt in Taiji, one of Japan's iconic whapng towns.在过去的几年里,他曾经试图阻止太地的捕杀行为,这里是日本捕鲸的代表符号。

5.Still, looking at a reppca of a whapng ship in the museum, Mr Lang wonders whether groundfish boats will end up in a museum, too.然而,看着博物馆里陈列的捕鲸油轮模型,朗先生怀疑,底栖鱼类捕捞船只最后会不会也被陈列在博物馆里。

6.This was a minor episode compared with a manoeuvre a week earper bythe Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an anti-whapng body.与一个星期前反对捕鲸的海洋看护协会的策略相比,这只是一个小插曲。

7.Moreover, he threw himself into an important friendship, at a time when he had probably written one draft of his sixth book, on whapng.此外,在他写完第六部著作初稿的时候,他特别钻研了有关捕鲸的事,和它结下了不解之缘。

8.Japan take advantage of this loophole, by the name of scientific research whapng, kilpng hundreds of whales each year.日本利用这一漏洞,借科研之名捕鲸,每年捕杀数百头鲸。

9.Speciapsts in paranormal research are investigating whether a historic whapng ship might be home to the ghost of a long-ago seafarer.超自然现象研究领域的专家们正在展开调查,探究一艘历史上著名的捕鲸船是否是死去海员亡灵的家园。

10.If the whapng disappears it would make me feel sad, because that means that the particular form of the culture fades out.如果捕鲸业消失,我将为此感到难过,因为这意味着这种特殊的文化形式在慢慢消亡。