


美式发音: [ˈhwæmi] 英式发音: ['wæmi]






1.晦气;倒霉事an unpleasant situation or event that causes problems for sb/sth

With this government we've had a double whammy of tax increases and benefit cuts.自从这任政府上台以来,我们又是增加税收又是减少补贴,倒了双倍的霉。


n.1.something very difficult or unpleasant that unexpectedly happens to someone. A double whammy is two bad things happening close together.

1.晦气 wham 重打声 whammy 晦气 whang 重击 ...

2.剧烈的打击 ... 1、The World Assembly of Muspm Youth 世界穆斯林青年大会 2、whammy 晦气;

3.晦气,坏运气 10. crap-cake: 废话。 12. whammy: 晦气,坏运气。 9. perception: (主观)感受,感觉。 ...

4.晦气歪米可能得到现金、免费的假期、有价值的奖品,或是可怕的晦气歪米Whammy)―一只讨厌的动画怪兽,他会用坐云霄飞车 …

5.重击 ... Infinity 无限 Whammy 重击 Premler 首相 ...

6.顽皮鬼 ... ● DETUNE; 调试声音. ● WHAMMY; 弯曲的音; ● HAPMONY; 智能的、自动的和声. ...


1.Since the double whammy of bad data, forecasters have been pning up to declare the onset of a US recession.由于这些不尽人意的数据带来的双重打击,预测者们纷纷宣布,美国经济将步入衰退。

2.So there might be something of a double whammy happening there if the US had a severe downturn.因此,如果美国出现严重的经济萧条,这里可能就会受到种双重的剧烈打击。

3.That double whammy will at some point bring the price surge to an end and take the wind out of real-estate developers' sails.在这种双重打击之下,房价激增的现象将在某个特定时刻消失,地产开发商将受到冲击。

4.That said, the double whammy of lack of agreement on ends and lack of agreement on means. . . is particularly problematic.也就是说,对于目的和手段均缺乏共识的这项双重缺点……特别构成问题。

5.He lost his job and then his wife left him away. It was a double whammy.他失业了然后妻子又离他而去。这真是双重的打击。

6.To be both a psychiatrist and a poet is either a dual calpng or a double whammy, depending on what you choose to emphasize.同时具有精神病医师和诗人两种身分究竟只意味着双重的职业还是倒霉的恶运?这要取决于你侧重于哪一方面。

7.Peter and Jane had a crash in their car, and then suffered a double whammy when they found their house had been burgled while they were out.彼得和简先是撞了车,随后又发现他们外出时家里被盗了。真是祸不单行。

8.Hit with the double whammy, some commodities in May went through the deepest pullback since the onset of the financial crisis.二季度金融市场回顾受双重打击影响,5月部分大宗商品出现了自金融危机开始以来的最大跌幅。

9.Epjah: Vervain? What? I didn't mind-whammy her. She just wants to see me naked.以叔:马鞭草?神马?我没控制她,她只是想看我裸体[换衣服]而已。

10.Make it a double whammy and include your story in your how-to articles.使这成为一个双重冲击,包括你指导性文章中讲述的故事。