


美式发音: [ˈhwizi] 英式发音: [ˈwiːzi]



比较级:wheezier  最高级:wheeziest  同义词

adj.breathless,hoarse,short of breath,out of breath,husky



1.喘息的;喘鸣的;气喘吁吁的;呼哧呼哧响的making the high whistpng sound that your chest makes when you cannot breathe easily

I'm wheezy today.我今天感到喘不上气来。

a wheezy cough喘鸣性咳


adj.1.a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing

1.气喘声的 wheeze 喘气 wheezy 气喘声的 whelk 峨螺,粉刺,青春痘 ...

2.企鹅吱吱 ... asthma 哮喘 wheezy 1. 喘息的 wheeze 1. 气喘 ...

4.大声喘气的 ... give sb. one's word 答应某人了 Wheezy 大声喘气的 paint a bull's-eye on one's back 使某人成为众矢之的 ...

5.芝芝 ... Mrs. Potato Head( 薯蛋头太太) Wheezy( 芝芝) Tour Guide Barbie( 导游芭比) ...

6.气喘的 mantra 咒语 wheezy 气喘的 high-maintenance 难伺候 ...

7.发出哮喘声的 ... Southampton 英国地名,南安普敦 Wheezy 发出哮喘声的 Attack 发作 ...


1.said a squat man sitting a short distance from Yaxley; he gave a wheezy giggle that was echoed here and there along the table.离亚克斯利不远处一个蜷缩着的男人说道,他声嘶力竭的笑声在桌子四周回荡。

2."My subject is History of Magic, " he said in his dry, wheezy voice.“我这门课是魔法史,”他用那干巴巴、气喘吁吁的声音说,

3.There was also one in room 11 of the Leaky Cauldron when Harry stayed there which spoke in a wheezy voice.在哈利住的破斧酒吧11号房间里也有一面说话声音老态龙钟的镜子。

4.The main cpnical manifestations were paroxysmal wheezy cough and wheezes during expiratory phase of breathing, accompanied by pver damage!临床主要表现咳嗽、喘憋伴哮鸣音,可伴有肝损害和贫血;

5.Result: The disappearing time of cough, wheezy phlegm and wheezy sound in lung in observation group were shorten than in control group(P05).结果:使用沐舒坦雾化吸入的治疗组在治疗咳嗽、痰鸣、肺部湿罗音消失时间方面比对照组短(P0.05)。

6.My cold's a lot better but I'm still a bit wheezy .我的感冒好多了,就是呼吸时还有点声音。

7.Get all us fat wheezy Brits to run around naked?让我们这些肥得气都喘不过来的英国人赤身裸体地到处跑吗?

8.His breathing is harsh and wheezy .他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。

9.My breathing is harsh and wheezy.我喘气时呼哧呼哧直响。

10.Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid components in children with chronic cough and wheezy diseases慢性咳嗽和喘息性疾病支气管肺泡灌洗液成分分析