




1.夜幕降临之时 ... 文/竹风 By Zhu Feng 当夜色 When the night 被风声打开 Was unfolded by the sound of wind ...


1.When the night curtain falls, the ice lanterns gently glow, with a spectrum of gorgeous colors gpstening against the dark sky.夜幕降临之时,冰灯开始绚烂夺目,华彩照亮了夜空。

2.He came when the night was still; he had his harp in his hands, and my dreams became resonant with its melodies.他在静夜中来到;手里拿着琴,我的梦魂和他的音乐起了共鸣。

3.The wind blown out of the window with unbridled past, when the night comes, empty room can clearly feel his heart beating.窗外的风肆无忌惮的吹散着往事,当黑夜来临的时候,空旷的房间内可以清晰的感受到自己的心跳声。

4.In the clear night sky un with moonpght, and when the night is the most dark in a few seconds there are meteors fly through the sky.在没有月光的清澈夜空中,夜色最暗的时候,每隔几秒就有流星划过天际。

5.When the night comes, polo ralph lauren, they disappear into the dark and separate again.夜晚到来,它们消失在黑暗中,重又被分隔开来。

6.So when the night comes now, the dread doesn't descend as deeply as it did before. I don't have that extreme sense of frustration.所以,现在每当夜晚来临的时候,我不再有以前那样深深的恐惧感和极端的挫折感。

7.When the night and early morning pght shades, train reached the Golmud now, at an elevation of up to 3000 meters, cold.当夜色褪去晨光初现时,列车到达格尔木,海拔上升到3000多米,气温骤降。

8.When the night comes, might as well the piano bar grade one of city romance.当夜幕降临,不妨到辛格曼钢琴酒吧里品位都市里的浪漫时光。

9.Still let us not despair: the sun will yet rise. When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest.难道读者还不明白﹖黎明前的夜,总是最黑暗,但我们不用绝望,漫漫长夜终必过去,太阳终必升起。

10.The star of hope is still in the sky when the night is blackest.漆黑的夜空,晨星永远是我们的盼望。