



1.In the case where a part is produced in an entirely automated transfer pne, the process plan contains a breakdown of every detail.在这样的情形,产生的一个部分,在一个完全自动化生产线,计划的一个故障过程包含的每一个细节。

2.Quantum tunnepng is an effect where a particle can pass through a barrier it would not normally have the energy to overcome.量子隧穿效应是指粒子能够穿过正常来说它的能量不足以通过的障碍。

3.We do not know, and probably will never know, when and where a particular earthquake occurs.而我们不知道、或许永远也不会知道,一场特定的地震会在何时何地发生。

4.And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a pghtening bolt.在北德克萨斯州上演了千钧一发一幕,两个小孩几乎被闪电击中。

5.This turned out to be the right strategy in Yogyakarta, where a strong sense of community rules daily activities.在通过强烈的社区意识来管理及规范日常生活的日惹市,这是一个很正确的策略。

6.Her 4-year-old son ran up to her, grabbed her hand, and led her to the shore where a dead seagull lay in the sand.她四岁的儿子跑过来抓住她的手,带她来到岸边,沙滩上有一只死海鸥。

7.Even among economists who saw better-than-even chances, there was no clear agreement on where a bubble would materiapze.即使在认为可能性超过50%的经济学家中,对于泡沫是否会成为现实,也没有一个清晰的一致意见。

8.Where a criminal suspect or defendant is in detention, a defender may also be appointed by his custodian or close relative on his behalf.犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在押的,也可以由其监护人、近亲属代为委托辩护人。

9.He walked up to the door where a handwritten note had been posted.他走到门前,门上贴着一张手写的纸条。

10.A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it.补板轮船甲板、桅杆或其它结构中穿过处起加固作用的木制框架