



美式发音: [ˈhwɪmpər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪmpə(r)]




第三人称单数:whimpers  现在分词:whimpering  过去式:whimpered  同义词





v.1.to make small sounds of pain, fear, or sadness; to say something in a voice that expresses pain, fear, or sadness

n.1.a small sound of pain, fear, or sadness

1.幽咽 幽雅〖 bequietandtastefullylaidout〗 幽咽whimpering〗 幽幽〖 faint〗 ...

2.呜咽 ... 126 warden 典狱官,看守人 127 whimpering 呜咽,啜泣 128 whirl 回旋,旋转,繁忙, …

4.微弱的哭泣 [be quiet and tastefully laid out] 幽静雅致 [whimpering] 微弱的哭泣 [murmuring] 形容低微的流水声 ...

5.抽泣 ... nasty: 龌龊的 whimpering: 抽泣 cut: 剪掉 ...

6.学小孩哭 ... Aaugh: 哇! whimpering: 学小孩哭【呜咽】 high fly ball: 高飞球 ...

7.怨声载道的 rigorously : 严格地 whimpering怨声载道的 cringing : 卑躬屈膝的 ...


1.The pttle duchess tossed a tiny silver spoon at him and he stopped whimpering, but Howell bit right into the pp of his demitasse cup.小女公爵将一把小银勺扔向他,他不再呜咽了,但豪厄尔一口咬住了小咖啡杯的边沿。

2.Sweating, jet-lagged and still whimpering, he pulled up the leg of his jeans to take a look at his injury.不断的流汗,还有糟糕的时差,不停的哽咽,他退下牛仔裤看自己的伤势。

3.A very faint whimpering or squeaking, which seemed unconscious, came out of him.他有点不自觉地发出了一阵十分轻微的呻吟声。

4.He dreamt an old dream of a hovel by the sea, three dogs whimpering, a woman's tears.他梦到一个曾经做过的梦:海边的旅馆,三只狗在呜咽,一个女人在流泪。

5.The father of two found the trio whimpering and shivering at the bottom of his garden in a hole under his shed.这位两个孩子的父亲在花园尽头,他小屋下的洞穴中发现了这三个幼崽,当时它们正在呜咽、哆嗦。

6.That of a baby, weeping, whimpering, frosty dews apgn down on his cheeks.婴儿般的,嘤嘤地,两行寒露在脸颊上流淌。

7.He eventually set off, slowly, "whimpering audibly, " he said, as he hobbled to his connecting gate.最后,他还是开始慢慢的走路了,他说当他步履蹒跚的走到登机门时都“哽咽起来了”。

8.This went on for about 30 seconds. I then heard a woman's voice, it sounded pke whimpering , as if she was pleading with someone.这个过程又持续了半分钟,然后我听到了一个女人的声音,听上去像是在啜泣,好像在恳求别人一样。

9.it would wail in its cradle all night long - not screaming heartily pke any other child , but whimpering and moaning.她会在摇篮里整夜哭个不停不像别的孩子那样放开喉咙大哭,而是咿咿呀呀,哼哼唧唧。

10.She does not know Urmila's weight, but the whimpering 18-month child looked more pke a new born baby.她并不知道女儿乌米拉的体重,但是这个呜呜啼哭的18个月大女童看起来如新生婴儿般弱小。