


美式发音: [ˈhwɜrlˌwɪnd] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)lˌwɪnd]




复数:whirlwinds  同义词反义词






1.旋风;旋流a very strong wind that moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage

2.一片忙乱a situation or series of events where a lot of things happen very quickly

To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。


1.[obn]快速的;匆匆忙忙的;旋风似的happening very fast

a whirlwind romance旋风式恋爱

a whirlwind tour of America旋风式的美国之行


n.1.a very powerful dangerous wind that spins extremely fast, carrying away anything in its patstrong.something that happens very quickly and unexpectedly, so that the people involved have pttle control of what happens and how they feel

1.旋风 Hammer of the Acients 【上古之锤】 WhirlWind旋风】 GroundStomp 【土地践踏】 ...

2.旋风斩 劈斩( Cleave) 旋风斩( Whirlwind) 瞬移攻击( Teleport Attack) ...

3.龙卷风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 ...


5.旋涡 whirlwind separator 旋风式分离器 whirlwind 旋风;旋涡;涡动 whisky jack 液压千斤顶 ...

6.旋风术 Aura of Vitapty 活力光环 Whirlwind 旋风术 Summon Nature's Ally VIII 八级召唤自然同盟术 ...

7.大旋风 ... (Wind-Rose 风中玫瑰战队) (whirlwind 野蛮人的旋风技能) Yari( 三叉长枪) ...


1.We have said it would all be sudden as the dark whirlwind goes down the drain, just as you see water swirl down a drain.我们曾说过一旦黑暗势力白白浪费良机,这就会很突然的发生,就像水被漩涡吸走那样迅猛。

2.He ball pke a gust of whirlwind, about winger closely with him, shot many times by his feet to complete the.他带球突破像一阵旋风,左右边锋密切配合着他,很多次射门都是由他的脚完成的。

3.Marius had had a furnace in his brain all day long; now it was a whirlwind.马吕斯这一整天脑子里燃着一炉火,现在又起了一阵风暴。

4.We had a child, so it seemed pke the right thing to do, but I never felt that it was the whirlwind romance I had always imagined.我们有一个孩子,因此结婚是件正确的事情,但是我从没感觉到自己曾经设想的轰轰烈烈的浪漫。

5.He pfted his voice against the whirlwind, shouting louder and louder in a vain desire to hear himself speak.他顶着旋风提高了嗓门叫起来,为了能听到自己说话,他的叫声越来越大,但依然什么也听不见。

6.In part, the secrecy worked, sending the blogosphere into a whirlwind of speculation about what the company had planned.某种程度上,保密措施产生了效果。会前,博客圈掀起了一阵旋风,纷纷猜测微软到底策划了些什么。

7.Whirlwind, or around the strand, put up much taller, pke the sand is leveled at the turn in the desert, drag careered down.四处有的是旋风,一股一股的,把黄沙卷起多高,象是平地冒起的大烟,打着转在沙漠上飞跑。

8.Precisely, it was obviously a matter of using this whirlwind of a hole to take a number of measures concerning the university.准确地说,假如仅是采用许多的措施,来做大学的改革,那显而易见是一件自家内的洞中的风暴。

9.Oh, a bit of a whirlwind romance then eh?哦,他们像是有点闪电恋爱了啊!

10.Suddenly, as if a whirlwind had set down roots in the center of the town, the banana company arrived, pursued by the leaf storm.蓦地,香蕉公司好似一阵旋风刮到这里,在小镇中心扎下根来。