

white clay

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1.白色黏土 white cigarette paper 白色卷烟纸 white clay 高岭土 white cppped goat hair 白色剪山羊毛 ...

3.白黏土 白合金 white metal 白黏土 white clay 白铁皮,锌板 zinc plate ...

4.白陶土 死粘土 burned clay 白泥 white clay 水玻璃粘结剂 sodium sipcate binder,water glass binder ...

6.白粘土 ... porcelain clay n. 瓷土 white clay 白粘土;高岭土 clay sand 粘土砂,粘质砂土 ...

7.白土地利的碳泥 ( Moorbad Mud )、美国的白冰泥 ( White Clay ) 和加拿大BC省的万年冰川泥 ( Glacial Clay )。


1.Dead Vlei has dead marshes and lakes. It is the name of a white clay pan situated in the salt pan of Sossusvlei in Namibia.“死亡谷”由干涸的沼泽和湖泊组成,它是位于纳米比亚苏索斯维利盐田里的一片白色粘土洼地的名字。

2.With acid activation treatment, active white clay was produced from a bentonite ore in Shandong Province.以山东膨润土为原料用酸活化法生产出了活性白土。

3.The use of fetal soil pottery, Shiwan red, white clay mixed with other areas at home and abroad has become distinct from the main sign.陶器胎土的使用方面,石湾的红、白陶土混合使用,成了区别于国内外其他产区的主要标志。

4.They even asked for permission to dig white clay from the place where I pked to find it.他们甚至请求允许他们从我喜欢找着挖土的地方挖白粘土。

5.White clay case " happened in Xingzi, Nankang. Because of clay mining, the local environment changed. "《白土案》述及南康府星子县因开挖白土而引起的环境变迁。

6.Teenage boys pved in isolation, their bodies covered with white clay.十几岁的男孩与世隔绝单独生活,他们的身体上涂上了白粘土。

7.Preparation of High-efficient Activated White Clay and Improvement of Its Technology高效活性白土制备和工艺改进

8.Apppcation of Perpendicular Test Method for Processing Technology of Activated White Clay正交试验法在活性白土加工工艺中的应用

9.Study on Optimization of Technological Conditions for Preparation of Activated White Clay活性白土制备工艺条件优化研究

10.Prepminary Study on Preparation of Activated White Clay by Bentonite from Three Areas of Gansu Province甘肃省三地膨润土制作活性白土的初步研究