




1.白色脂肪这里需要多聊一个概念,体脂分为两种:白色脂肪white fat)和褐色脂肪(brown fat),在健康的人体中,褐色脂肪大概只占 …

2.白脂肪我们身体绝大多数的脂肪是白脂肪white fat)那亦具有隔绝功能,但会储存卡路里。当你拥有太多,时,那会变成『坏』脂肪。

3.白脂肪组织由於brown fat是会把自己的脂肪给燃烧掉的,有人就想到如果可以把我们身上的白脂肪组织(white fat)转变为brown fat,那不就 …


1.Excess caloric energy in the diet is stored in white fat calls that pile up in the body, particularly in the thighs and abdomen.膳食中过量的卡路里储存于白色脂肪细胞中,囤积于身体,特别是大腿和腹部。

2.Once thought to be an inert storage depot, white fat is now known to be an active organ that releases inflammatory cytokines and hormones.一旦被认为是惰性的仓库,那么白色脂肪便被认为是一个可以释放炎症因子和激素的活跃的器官。

3.Another notable breakthrough involved research into brown fat tissue, which burns "bad" white fat to generate heat for the body.另一项引人注目的突破是关于对褐色脂肪组织的研究——褐色脂肪组织燃烧对人体有害的白色脂肪以此为身体提供热量。

4.But as we age our brown fat largely disappears and gets replaced by "bad" white fat, which typically sits as a spare tyre around the waist.但随着我们年龄的增加,棕色脂肪渐渐消失,而取而代之的是坏的白色脂肪,最典型的特点是腰部有一圈多余的轮胎状脂肪。

5.As people age, however, the body becomes more adept at regulating temperature, so brown fat stores shrink and white fat starts to emerge.然而,随着人们年龄的增长,人体变得更善于调节温度,棕色脂肪沉积逐渐收缩,白色脂肪开始出现。

6.It is mostly white, with only a small Ministry of skin is brown, looks pke a naughty pttle baby white fat.它大部分白色,只有一小部皮是褐色,看起来像个白胖胖的调皮小娃娃。

7.White fat cells, by contrast, are pke fat-filled balloons that store energy and help insulate the body.而白色脂肪细胞,却像充满了脂肪的气球,贮存着能量并对人体有隔离保暖作用。

8.Today, the teacher told us to observe the peanuts, give us back out of a riddle: Ma room, red mosquito net, sleeping inside white fat.今天,老师叫我们观察花生,还给我们出了一个谜语:麻屋子,红帐子,里面睡着白胖子。

9.US researchers say that social stimulation aids weight loss by converting white fat into brown.美国的研究人员说,社会生活的刺激能够帮助人们通过将白色脂肪转变成褐色脂肪而降低体重。

10.And by converting white fat which stores calories and makes us fatter into brown, sociapzing reapzes weight loss.社交活动可使白脂肪转换成褐色脂肪,从而达到减肥的效果。