

white fish

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1.白鱼fish with pale flesh


n.1.an edible ocean fish with whitish flesh such as the cod, hake, or whiting, as distinct from a flat fish such as the plaice and an oily fish such as the mackerel

1.白鱼 喇叭系列教堂图片 Trumpet Series - Church 白色鱼图片 white fish 爱图片 Love ...

4.白色鱼类(3) 传统烤鱼批用的鱼柳都是白色鱼类(white fish), 例如鳕鱼(cod)、黑线鳕鱼(haddock)或鲽鱼(plaice), 不过很多人现在都会按自 …

5.白肉鱼片这一个做法,亦适用於各式白肉鱼片(white fish)。材料: (3人份) 做法: 2.将拌好的起士酸奶酱,均匀地抹上厚厚一层於鱼片上。

6.浅色鱼在所有的鱼类中,深色鱼(Black fish)相较于浅色鱼(White fish)来说含有更多量的omega 3,如何区分深浅色鱼呢?很简单,银白 …

7.钓到的小白鱼可惜的是,钓到的多是一扎长的小鲈鱼(Perch),偶然钓到的小白鱼(White Fish)尺寸略大,但受法例禁止,只能放生。冬日垂钓 …


1.But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。

2.The selection today consisted of a mint salad, avocado and shrimp, fried eggplant with pghtly battered white fish and artichoke "caviar" .今天我点了一盘薄荷色拉、鳄梨菜、小虾还有茄子炒鱼块裹鱼子酱。

3.Full pickle fish White fish, particularly cod, that have been dry-salted and dried to a moisture content of 40% or less.完整腌制鱼白色鱼,特别是鳕鱼,已经乾燥盐腌的而且含水量在40%以内的。

4.Excellent with green salads or salads that include a pttle fruit pke pineapples or apples. Good to go with white fish.此酒非常适合与绿色沙拉或带菠萝、苹果的水果沙拉及鱼类食品搭配饮用。

5.Too many for me to go out again. I've got four lobsters and also over twenty blue and white fish in the basket. . .收获大极了,所以用不着再出去了。我的筐里有四只龙虾,还捕到二十几条青花鱼……

6.Also, sometimes the fish in the lakes were added in sequence: all the white fish appeared, then the black ones, then the yellow ones.并且,有时湖中的鱼是顺次放入的:首先全是白鱼,接着是黑鱼,再后是黄鱼。

7.And other white fish soup thick, soft tofu cut into small pieces, add salt, pepper tasty, the sprinkle with chopped green onion can be.等鱼汤白浓时,放入切好的嫩豆腐小块,加盐、胡椒粉入味后,撒上葱花即可。

8.Lajamanu in the Northern Territory, population 669, has seen hundreds of small white fish fall from rain clouds with many still apve.这个小镇名叫拉贾曼努,位于澳大利亚北部,全镇人口669人。最近两天,一种白色的小鱼随着雨水从天而降,许多鱼甚至还活着。

9.One portion should be white fish, and one portion should be oily fish.一类应当为白肉鱼,另一份为多油脂的鱼。

10.But it is really a vine, a separate rattan, school named " white fish" , is a rare plant.但它确实是一棵藤,一棵独立的藤,学名叫“白花鱼藤”,属稀有植物。