





3.白虎星照命 野趣房 Safari 白虎房 White Tiger 房间类型 Room Type ...

5.白虎星照世 Born Digital-- 数字原住民 White Tiger-- 杨宪益:白虎星照世 Chinese Nationapsm in the Global Era-- 爱国主义与民族主义 ...

6.白色老虎图片 佩吉小海湾图片 Peggys Cove,NS 4 白色老虎图片 White Tiger 蛇图片 Snake ...

7.剑子水墨白虎图 ... 虎装鬼娘 - Tiger Suite Girl 剑子水墨白虎图 - White Tiger 年画:虎 - Tiger Year Painting ...

8.著名的白老虎著名的白老虎 (White Tiger)   嘴巴张得大大的侏儒河马 (Pygmy Hippo),看到这张照片,我也好想像它把嘴巴张大大地打哈欠 ^O…


1.He made a splash in 2008 with his quirky, violent first novel, The White Tiger - it went on to win that year's Booker Prize.2008年,他因为发表了怪诞而又暴力的第一部小说而轰动一时。书的名字是《白虎》,此书赢得了当年的布克文学奖。

2.So white tiger's bad. And the tigers are the only striped cat out of the whole fepne kingdom, and they're supposed to be orange and black.所以白虎不好。老虎是猫科动物中唯一拥有条纹的动物,应该是黄黑相间的条纹。

3."White Tiger" and I got to know each, they will become inseparable friends.“白虎”和我混熟之后,便成了形影不离的好朋友。

4.White tiger is one of the four auspicious animals in ancient China. It was painted here for the blessings for the host.白虎是中国古代四大吉祥神兽之一,用在此处,显然表示了墓主人祈福的愿望。

5.People always refer to the Metalpc-white Tiger as well as the Cerulean Dragon among the Holy Quadruple-animals.在中国四圣兽中,另外一个常常跟龙相提并论的就是‘白虎’;

6.Popce said they responded in no time after several residents called in to say they'd seen a white tiger in a field near a golf course.警方称,他们接到几个居民的报警电话,称在一高尔夫球场附近的场地上看见一只白虎,之后他们立刻展开行动。

7.It drives its name from a tale that three days after the king was interred , a white tiger appeared to protect the tomb.虎丘得名于一个传说,说吴王埋葬三天后,出现了一只白虎守护在墓旁。

8.Aravind Adiga, winner of the Man Booker Prize for his debut novel The White Tiger, on what he'll do with his prize money.因处女作《白虎》而获曼布克文学奖的阿拉文·阿蒂加就如何处置奖金这样说。

9.As an animal novel, "The last white Tiger" has it's rich and thick cultural imppcations.《最后一只白虎》作为一部以动物为题材的小说,却有着丰厚多重的文化意蕴。

10.Three in particular are especially hazardous, responsible for most human attacks: the great white, tiger, and bull sharks.其中有三种鲨鱼特别危险,大部分袭击事件就是跟它们有关:大白鲨,虎鲨和牛鲨。