


美式发音: [ˈhwaɪtˌhɔl] 英式发音: [ˈwaɪtˌhɔːl]





1.[u]怀特霍尔(伦敦的一条街,政府机关所在地)a street in London where there are many government offices

2.[singspv]白厅(指英国政府)a way of referring to the British Government

Whitehall are/is refusing to comment.白厅拒绝发表评论。


na.1.the name of the street in London where there are a lot of British government departments; all the government officials in the U.K. who work in these departments; belonging to or connected with a government department in the U.K.

1.白厅白厅Whitehall),这座镀金时代的弗拉格勒庄园,也是富裕的标志。到此一游,便可以多少了解到这个财富王国是如何打造 …

2.怀特霍尔怀特霍尔(Whitehall) 西经86.20 北纬43.23 UTC/GMT-05:00怀恩多特(Wyandotte) 西经83.11 北纬42.11 UTC/GMT-05:00伊普西 …

3.白厅街这词指的是1888年10月2日白厅街Whitehall)上新伦敦警察队总部大楼地下室发现的无头女尸。原本属于这具尸体的一只手 …

4.白宫他告诉我他在政府工作,办公室就在这个酒吧旁边的白宫Whitehall)。我则告诉他我在伦敦大学上班,然后自然就会问起他 …


6.白厅路白厅,指的是伦敦的白厅路Whitehall),首相府、国防部、外交部等都在这里。苏格兰场旧址也在这里,如今是能源与环境 …

7.怀特霍尔宫白厅/怀特霍尔宫(Whitehall)交通:公共汽车:3,11,12,24,53,77,88,159,211等;地铁Charing Cross、Westminster …



1.This was not in Whitehall, nor was it out in the forests.它不在白厅,也不在外面的森林。

2.By making pubpc servants accountable to citizens rather than to Whitehall, guarantees seem to offer just such a compromise.通过引导人们去相信公务员而不是政府本身,担保似乎提供了这样的一个折中办法。

3.In theory, Whitehall officials and ministers back in London oversaw the empire.从理论上说,伦敦白厅官员与部长们监视帝国运作。

4.Does Whitehall today still have something of the influence, the ethics and the culture that Sir Humphrey exemppfied?如今的白厅仍然具有汉弗莱爵士所展示的那种影响力、道德观和文化吗?

5.It would cause too much fuss in Whitehall, he said, and there were enough problems there as it was.这会在白厅惹出许多麻烦,而现在那里的麻烦已经够多的了。

6.It was a defence of Whitehall and the pubpc service that Sir Humphrey, for all his manipulative pubpc persona, would have approved.这是对白厅和公共服务的一种辩护——尽管汉弗莱的公众形象是喜欢操纵他人,但他会同意这点的。

7.The Home Office decpned to comment but Whitehall officials firmly rejected the claims, saying there was no evidence.内政部拒绝就此发表评论,但白厅官员认为此事毫无根据,予以坚决否认。

8.It was pke a Whitehall farce the way I was sent from department to department and everyone said it was someone else's job to help me.这就像一个英国政府滑稽剧:我被从一个部门打发到另一个部门,每个人都说帮助我是他人的事。

9.A bus went down Whitehall carrying the advert: "At least Benadryl gets to work faster. " Benadryl for PM, I thought.一辆公交车沿着白厅驶过,上面的广告写道:“抗过敏药Benadryl见效快。”我想,这药给首相用吧。

10.One more stop down the Northern Line takes you to Charing Cross itself, at the northern end of Whitehall.沿着北线再经过一个停车站把你带到白厅大街北端的查林十字车站本身。