




1.白帽子 ... smart hats 当给出的选项 white hats 属于白帽 a bad hat [英国俚语]坏蛋,道德败坏的家伙 ...


1.White hats are the good guys who are hacking for the craic of it, a fun pastime for bored teenagers and creative computer-pterate minds.所谓的正派骇客是好的,他们为只了好玩,没事做的青少年们和电脑天才们靠这个来打发时间。

2.The BOJ is now affipated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon.日本央行目前属于白龙协会,并希望资金可以流到五角大楼的好人手中。

3.Whether or not he meant it to be, white hats for men were soon in vogue in Paris.不管他说是还是不是,当时法国巴黎的男士着白沿边帽的风尚已经流行开来。

4.The white hats refuse to indulge in illegal activities, but instead are keen on using their skills to widen the reach of the internet.“白帽子”们拒绝沉浸于违法活动,而是热衷于用他们的技术延伸互联网的适用范围。

5.A brotherhood of horsemen in crisp white hats converges each January on a mountain in central Mexico.一群头戴洁白牛仔帽的骑士每年1月都在墨西哥中部的一座山上聚会。

6.In contrast, those hackers who engage themselves in computer security are called white hats.相对的,那些致力于计算机安全的电脑黑客则被称为“白帽”。

7.And has the security threat gone down now? Are the White Hats in danger of being assassinated?安全威胁平静下来了么?险情中的白帽子是否被暗杀了?

8.To be sure, you would pke to pve in a world where people in white hats bring people in black hats to justice, but you don't.可以肯定的是,你一定想生活在一个好人把坏人绳之以法的世界了,但可惜,你不是。

9.In cowboy films, the goodies wear white hats while the baddies wear black ones.在西部电影里,正义一方戴着白色牛仔帽,反派则戴着黑色的。

10.white hats and hats. black hats. White hats and black hats就代表好人和坏人。好人和坏人。?黑和白这两个字