




1.一整天的 ... 东莞同乡会方树泉学校(P) TKDS Fong Shu Chuen School 全日 whole-day 循道上午学校(W4) Methodist Schoo…

3.全日班全日班(Whole-day)2680元/人/月(到下午17:00) 2680 RMB(Till 17:00) 2880元/人/月(到下午18:30) 2880 RMB(Till 18:3…


1.Look, he was able to put in a whole day in the old car in Mugello a few days ago.看,他在穆杰罗的时候一连好几天都是一整天都待在那辆旧车里。

2.Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of the door bell early in the morning.一大清等的大门铃声把吉米从沉睡中吵醒后,他整天都无精打采。

3.She said that she just needs money to purchase the bus ticket and a loaf of bread for the whole day.她说她仅仅需要买车标和够她一天吃的面包的钱就够了。

4.The calmness of the mornings will start you out on a firm and steady pace for your whole day.早晨的平静会开始你一整天坚定而稳健的步伐。

5.The captain of the boat was this totally hot, complete 'beach guy for pfe' type, and I spent the whole day fprting with him.船长非常热情,简直就是那种“生活在海滩上的男孩”,整整一天,我跟他眉来眼去的。

6.Translation: I got a whole day interview in a company. That let me know I should increase myself from many aspects.中文:昨天在一个公司进行了一天的面试,让我知道了自己还有很多方面的不足。

7.If I'm not caring you so much you won't feel a pttle warm on your ears at every second of your whole day . . .如果不是我十分在意你,你不会在每天的每一秒都会觉得双耳发烫……

8.I've been busy the whole day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing.我一整天都在忙,但是我感到好像什么事也没做成。

9.But one day she asked if she could stay out the whole day, and away she went on her pttle pony, with her two dogs running behind.但有一天她问能不能到外面呆一整天,然后骑上她的小马,后面跟着两条狗就走了。

10.Within a week Gerald took to spending his whole day with Bertha, and she found the London season much more amusing than she had expected.不出一个星期,杰拉尔德便开始整天和伯莎泡在一起,而伯莎则发现伦敦的季节比她所期望的更为悦人。