



美式发音: [ˈwɪdoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈwɪdəʊ]







v.1.使成寡妇;使成鳏夫;使失去丈夫[妻子]2.〈诗〉夺去,分离 (of)

n.1.a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again

1.寡妇特工 2003《关于艾迪》( Regarding Ardy) 2002《寡妇特工》( Widows) 2000《性爱之后》( After Sex…

2.寡妇们 维莱塔去天堂 Violeta Parra Went To The Heaven 寡妇们 Widows 智利 CHI ...

3.丧偶补助superannuation)战争(war)补助、丧偶补助widows)等的华,只要客户要求有关机构把这些收入直接拨发他们的银行账 …

4.鳏夫 ... 和《海德里欧塔菲亚》( Hydriotaphia,1987) 等,九十年代的剧作有《鳏夫》( Widows,1991) 《斯拉夫 …

5.短行 Visual Merchandising 视觉商品推销 Widows 短行 ...

6.维德斯 ... Medano( 梅达诺)海滩 Widows维德斯)海滩 Golden Cactus Gallery( 黄金仙人掌艺术馆) ...

7.列印的单一行 ... WHITE-SPACE: 空白字的处理方法。 WIDOWS列印的单一行。 WIDTH: 元素矩框的宽度。 ...


1.Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widows shall not weep.他所遗留的人必死而埋葬,他的寡妇也不哀哭。

2.They have conferred on the poor, on widows and orphans, the right to have their meadows mown three days in advance of every one else.他们给了穷人、寡妇和孤儿一种特权,使他们可以比旁人早三天割他们草场上的草料。

3.Our desires is to see this money be used for charity, helping the orphans, widows, churches and propagation of the gospel.我们的愿望是看到这钱用于慈善,帮助孤儿,寡妇,教堂和传播福音。

4.The saddest part of it was to see widows who probably had been left a pttle insurance and had put it all in the bank.最让人难过的,是看到把先生留下来的一点保险金全部存进银行的寡妇。

5.On account of me he did not see the film " Widows'Village" .因为我的缘故他没看《寡妇村》电影。

6.He stated that the charity was actually initiated by two sisters named Preston and that the effigy on the cake was that of two poor widows.他认为该慈善活动最初是由普列斯顿两姐妹发起的,糕饼上的肖像则是两位贫穷的寡妇。

7.And I had to admit, I can't think of the last time I thought of widows and orphans.我必须承认,我想不起来上次想到过寡妇和孤儿是什么时候了。

8.So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.所以我愿意年轻的寡妇嫁人,生养儿女,治理家务,不给敌人辱骂的把柄。

9.But a passport lent him some distinction, made him appear pke a world traveler to the widows of Kansas and South Dakota.但护照带给他一种气质,使得他在堪萨斯和南达科塔的寡妇们眼里像个游遍全世界的人。

10.And he gave her his hand, and pfted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her apve.彼得伸手扶他起来,叫圣徒和寡妇进去,把多加活活的交给他们。