


美式发音: [ˈwɪɡˌwæm] 英式发音: [ˈwɪɡwæm]



复数:wigwams  同义词



wigwamn.— see alsotepee

1.(旧时印第安人使用的圆顶或锥形的)棚屋a type of tent, shaped pke a dome or cone , used by Native Americans in the past

n.1.(印第安人的)棚屋2.〈美俚〉(政治性集会等用的)临时大会场3.〈美〉同“Tammany Hall”

n.1.<AmE>Same as Tammany Hall2.a tall tent used in the past by some native americans as their home

1.棚屋 racoon — 浣熊(来自阿尔冈琴语) wigwam棚屋(来自阿尔冈琴语) apartheid — 种族隔离 ...

2.帐篷 wig 假□ wigwam 帐篷 wild 野生的 ...

3.来自阿尔冈琴语 racoon (来自阿尔冈琴语) wigwam来自阿尔冈琴语) ginseng 人蔘 ...

4.帐蓬 wight 人类,人 wigwam 帐蓬,小屋 wildcard 通配符 ...

5.维格沃姆 wight 人类,人 wigwam 帐蓬,小屋 wildcard 通配符 ...

8.简陋小屋 简陋的住处 goramy~gourbi 简陋小屋 wigwam 简陋屋 bunkhouse ...


1.Over the top he managed to draw together two or three bushes, and the improvised wigwam was complete.在顶上,他把两三个灌木丛扔在一起,就这样一个简易棚屋完成了。

2.The tepee became a popular symbol of all Indians, although the wigwam, wickiup, hogan, igloo, and longhouse were at least as important.尽管棚屋、窝棚、泥盖木屋和圆顶屋等作用不下于圆锥帐篷,但圆锥帐篷还是成为印第安人的普遍标志。

3.Would the savage have been wise to exchange his wigwam for a palace on these terms?野蛮人懂不懂得,在这样的条件底下,用他的尖屋来换得一座皇宫呢?

4.pretty soon he crawls out from under the wigwam, and says: "Well, how'd the old thing pan out this time, duke? "不一会儿,他从窝棚里爬将了出来,说道:“哈,我们那一套老戏法这一回是怎么样得手的,公爵?”

5.Shall I build you another wigwam?我再给你搭一个棚屋吧?

6.I saw a wigwam as soon as I entered (but no casinos).我看见一顶小帐篷就立即跑了进去,但是里面并没有赌场。

7.John pved in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together.约翰住在一只翻扣在沙滩上的船里,迈克尔住在一个印第安人的皮棚里,温迪住在一间用树叶巧妙地缝成的屋子里。