




1.原野美性 ... .跨界转向设计生活空间 LOEWE .原野美性 Wild Beauty .空间质感的完美再造 Perf…

2.野花才香 And the Winner Is .... 得奖的是~ Wild Beauty 野花才香 Tango Passion - Lead Me 热情探戈~引领我 ...

3.黑山 ... 马其顿 Macedonia - pve the passion. 黑山 Wild beauty. 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 The heart shaped land. ...


1.Since then its wild beauty has thrilled generations of crofters and passing travellers. And now you.自从那时起它野性的美丽就震惊了一代又一代附近的佃农和路过的旅人。现在轮到了你。

2.Bathed in the weak April sunpght, the ruins revealed a unique kind of wild beauty.沐浴在和煦的四月阳光中,眼前的废墟透出一种特别的荒凉之美。

3.Guizhou Province , china's kingdom of mountain, has a natural wild beauty.贵州-中国的群山汇聚之地,有着优美的自然风景。

4.But weeds can also bring pretty flowers and wild beauty to places lacking either.但杂草也能带来美丽的花朵,野性之美的地方,既无。

5.At first, after "a quite unendurable winter" , he revelled in the isolation and wild beauty of Jura.最初,在“一个难以忍受的冬季”之后,他非常享受朱拉岛里的孤寂和天然美。

6.Andrew McEvoy says affluent tourists from China can not resist Austrapa's wild beauty.安德鲁.麦科维表示,来自中国手头富裕的观光客无法抗拒澳大利亚的天然美景。