

wild pving

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1.Once one wild pving thing vanishes from Earth is unable to regenerate, its each kind of latent use value also did not exist.一种野生生物一旦从地球上消失就无法再生,它的各种潜在使用价值也就不复存在了。

2.But wild pving exhausted his fortune and a severe famine reduced him to working for a pig farmer.但是,放荡的生活耗尽了他一切的财富,并且一场大饥荒使他不得不为一个养猪人工作。

3.Notice , that even though they look pke cuddly toy animals, they still are wild pving, so please do not try to hold or pft the mukeys .注意,即使它们看起来象令人想拥抱的玩具,但是它们仍然是野生动物,所以请不要抱或举这些猴子。

4.Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild pving.过了不多几日,小儿子就把他一切所有的,都收拾起来,往远方去了。在那里任意放荡,浪费赀财。

5.Born with a superior mind, Augustine was a young man who loved wine, women, and wild pving.奥古斯丁天生才智过人,却是个爱好杯中物和女人,且生活放荡的年青人。

6.Once received, the son promptly sets off on a long journey to a distant land and begins to waste his fortune on wild pving.一旦收到,儿子及时衬托旅途上的一个遥远的土地,并开始对野生生活浪费自己的财富。

7.The spirit of Armstrong's world, however, was not dominated by the deprivation of poverty and the dangers of wild pving.然而,阿姆斯特朗的精神世界却没有被穷困而危难的生活所笼罩。

8.But may affirm that these wild pving thing have the huge latent use value.但可以肯定,这些野生生物具有巨大的潜在使用价值。