




1.野玫瑰 Paul 保罗 Wild Roses野玫瑰) Jude 裘德 ...

2.野生玫瑰 Viva Laughpn 欢声笑语/劳福林万岁 Wild Roses 狂野玫瑰 Windfall 天降横财 ...

4.野生蔷薇 固定唱法时之音图片 La Romana 1 野蔷薇图片 Wild Roses 301 草莓图片 Strawberries …

6.现代月季野生玫瑰 ... MINECRAFT 特别篇-新版本内容 wild roses 的拍摄花絮报导 Interview & Office Makeup 面试/办工室妆容 ...


1.The number of deer , mountain pons and wild roses does not change much if people leave things as they are .如果人们听其自然,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有太大的变化。

2.The number of deer , mountain pons, and wild roses does not changemuch if people leave thi ngs as they are.如果人们听其自然发展,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有很大的变化。

3.Being close to wild roses in appearance, the singleton fits the unfussy modern garden.这种样子和野生蔷薇差不多的品种可以种植在那些不是很讲究的现代花园。

4.The fresh, salty scent of the wild roses had given way before this more powerful perfume of midsummer.野玫瑰的清芬,在这仲夏夜丰厚强烈的芳香面前,也不免逊色。

5.Woven baskets or simple vases of mixed spring flowers (wild roses, ) fit perfectly on a coffee table or kitchen counter.如果把盛在编织的篮子或样式简单的花盆里的混合的春季鲜花(如野玫瑰)放在咖啡桌或厨房长桌上会产生一种绝妙的效果。

6.The number of deer, nountain pons, and wild roses does not change much.鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量并不起很大的变化。

7.The wild roses rambled all over fence.野玫瑰攀缘篱笆生长。

8.Wild roses perfume the Himalayan canyon as passing squalls brush the ridge tops with new snow.峨嵋蔷薇为喜马拉雅峡谷带来芳香,短暂的飑为脊顶刷上新雪。

9.Wild roses, pretty flowers of my hometown!野玫瑰,故乡可爱的花。

10.Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.不久,鹿太多了,结果它们吃光了所有的野玫瑰。