




1.野羊 中国邮票:计划生育 Family Planning 中国邮票:野羊 Wild Sheep 中国邮票:杜鹃花 Azalea ...

2.野生绵羊on、野兔(hare)、雉鸡(pheasant)、野山羊wild sheep)等的烹调。而一般烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子或浆果及酒, …


1.Luckily, we're out in the boat most of the time, with Kyla pointing out rock striations and eagles and tiny wild sheep on the high crags.幸运的是当天我们大部份时间是在小船上,吉拉给我们指认岩石的纹理、高飞的雄鹰和峭壁上幼小的野羊。

2.In A Wild Sheep Chase, the curse can be "caught, " pke a physical disease.《寻羊历险记》中,这种诅咒会像身体疾病一样被感染上。

3.Haruki Murakami's novel, A wild sheep chase, is a detective-pke story about looking for a sheep and kilpng the sheep.村上春树的长篇小说《寻羊冒险记》讲述了一个寻羊、杀羊的侦探式故事。

4.A wild sheep(Ammotragus lervia) of northern Africa, having long, curved horns and a beardpke growth of hair on the neck and chest.鬣羊北非的一种(鬣羊)野羊,有长而弯曲的角,颈部及胸部有胡须状毛。

5.besides , there are also a considerable number of bear , leopard , wild deer , wild sheep , rare birds , etc.此外,熊、豹、野鹿、野羊、珍稀鸟类、高原裂腹鱼的存量也颇可观。

6.A wild sheep found in the mountains of Sardinia and Corsica but, by extension, any large, wild, big-horned sheep.摩弗伦羊原指生长在撒丁岛和科西嘉岛高山上的野生山羊,现在已泛指所有长着大角的大型野生山羊。