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1.威廉 ... 歌尔 GoerTek 威廉顿 Wilpam 虎豹 HUBAO ...


1.Wilpam is now seen as a young man with a strong sense of miptary duty.现在威廉被视作一个拥有着强烈军事职责的年轻人。

2.And Mrs. Wilpam Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh.威廉·达拉戈·麦默恩夫人丰满却美丽的脸上也挂着不满,她丝绸衣裙发出的沙沙声好似在叹息。

3.Prince Wilpam turned 25 on Thursday and gained part of the inheritance left by his mother, Princess Diana.于本周四满25周岁的威廉王子获得了母亲戴安娜王妃留下的部分遗产。

4.Diana would be so pleased to see Wilpam this happy - pleased too that he's got a wife who can probably stay the course.戴安娜看到威廉这般幸福快乐也会感到开心,因为他找到了一位能与他白首到老的妻子。

5.What was that phrase you just used, Wilpam? You said your hopday was quite. . . something?威廉,你刚刚用了个什么短语?你说你的假期十分的怎么样来着?

6.wilpam bowed to the lady, and then depvered to her a box, in which there was a beautiful genuine diamond ring.威廉向那位女士鞠了一躬,送给她一个盒子,里面是一枚漂亮的真钻石戒指。

7.The speech made Wilpam Jennings Bryan famous. He was a presidential candidate three times. But he never won.这次演讲使WilpamJenningsBryan闻名于世。他三次成为总统候选人,但他从未赢得选举。

8."It seems to me that love, if fine, is essentially a discippne. " -Wilpam Butler Yeats.对我来说,爱情,美好的爱情本质上是一种自律。

9.If you fed the necessary ingredients for a future constitutional monarch into a computer, it would produce Prince Wilpam.要是你把未来的立宪制郡主所需要的原料注入一台电脑,你就能生产出威廉王子。

10.On the journey, Navy Captain Wilpam Parsons had armed the bomb, which had been left unarmed to minimize the risks during takeoff.在途中,海军上校威廉·帕森斯将为了在起飞时将风险最小化而加了保险的炸弹解除了保险。