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1.威尔玛罗里达州一品红生产商来说可并不意味着收获季节的到来。今年10月的威尔玛飓风Wilma)给这个美国重要的一品红生产基 …

5.慰梅 ... 3.Brooke( 布鲁克):也满中性的 5.Wilma( 葳儿玛):少见又酷的感觉 6.Hattie( 哈蒂):简洁 …

7.维玛权迫害的人们能够得到帮助,使中国人也能重获人权。”维玛Wilma)老太太则说:“在中国或任何一个地方的所有人都应该 …



1.Which means that 300 centuries ago, Fred and Wilma might have had a kind of prehistoric pita bread on the menu.这意味着,在300个世纪之前,Fred和Wilma的菜单上也许就有一种史前面饼。

2.Mr. Chen: Last week, Wilma had a large number of claims to process. She had to work four hours overtime to complete them.陈先生:上星期威尔玛有很多理赔的案件要处理,她得加班四个小时才能完成。

3.Wilma: Barney works just as hard as you do, but he always comes home cheerful. This is what Barney . . . Betty last night.巴尼也像你一样努力工作,可是人家总是高高兴兴的回家,这个是巴尼昨晚给贝蒂(的诗)。

4.But her teammate almost dropped it. Wilma had to stop to get a good hold on the stick.但是她的队员已经掉了,威尔玛不得不停下来抓住接力棒。

5.ALL through her pfe, white people tried to help Wilma Mankiller.在威尔玛曼基勒的一生当中,白人总是试图帮助她。

6.Fred: Because every time you do something nice for Betty, Wilma expect me to do it the same.因为每次你给贝蒂献殷勤时,魏玛都希望我也做同样的事。

7.BBC REPORTER ON WILMA: I'm just walking through the main lobby area of the hotel.威尔玛飓风现场记者:我正穿过宾馆的大厅。

8."As far as I'm concerned, Amazon has committed to the $9. 99 price, " said Wilma Sanders, in Florida with her friend Harold Roth.“就我而言,亚马逊有责任坚持9.99美元的价格”,威尔玛.桑德斯说,她正在佛罗里达与朋友哈罗德.罗斯在一起。

9.Wilma and her collage teammates also tried out for the relay race.威尔玛和她的大学同学还一起参加了接力选拔赛。

10.But if you know Wilma Rudolph's story, you'll know the truth is that Wilma wasn't a born athlete.可如果你知道威尔玛·鲁道夫的故事,你就会知道事实是威尔玛并非天生的运动员。