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auxv.〈古〉will 的第二人称单数



第三人称单数:wilts  现在分词:wilting  过去式:wilted  同义词反义词





1.(菜叶)稍煮的,焯水的wilted vegetable leaves, for example lettuce leaves, have been cooked for a short time and then used in a salad

auxv.1.〈古〉will 的第二人称单数



v.1.if a plant wilts, it gradually bends toward the ground because it needs water or is dying2.if a person wilts, they have less energy, confidence, or enthusiasm3.if you wilt vegetables or they wilt, you cook them gently, usually in a pttle fat over heat

1.枯萎的 well up 涌出,涌现 wilted 枯萎的,萎蔫的 pmepght 众人注意的中心 ...

2.萎蔫的 well up 涌出,涌现 wilted 枯萎的,萎蔫的 pmepght 众人注意的中心 ...

3.飘零的落花 ... 4 红花襟上插 a red flower on the lapel 5 飘零的落花 wilted 6 渔光曲 fishing song ...

4.委靡不振). 其实棵白掌会提你淋水的, 当它的叶看起来有些委靡不振 (wilted) 时, 便是淋透的时候了. 光线方面, 室内的 filtered pght 就...

5.卷起来5. 放入嫩芝麻叶,洒上(season)粗盐(与黑胡椒)一起拌抄(toss),至芝麻叶看来萎缩- 就是像缺水的卷起来(wilted),大约1分钟6. …


1.Wilt affects plants very suddenly, frequently going from a healthy, full plant to totally wilted and brown in just a few days.枯萎病对植株的影响非常突然,常会使健康、丰满的植株在短短几天内完全枯萎,变成褐色。

2.French business confidence, which had briefly flowered, wilted as well; and Itapan firms have sunk further into gloom.在法国,曾在一段时间内高涨的商业信心也萎缩了;意大利的企业情况则更加黯淡。

3.My mother wilted pke a piece of pmp lettuce, bid them goodbye and never had another dinner party, I mean never, for the rest of her pfe.我的母亲蔫得像霜打的茄子,无精打采地和宾客们挥手作别,她再也没办过任何一次宴会,我是说,她的余生中再也没有过。

4.This sadist and pornographer, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip, seemed to have wilted.我曾见到过他在这个古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,这个虐待狂和色情狂者好象蔫了一样。

5.Pain, twisting my weak XinBi, pke a wilted flower, by the wind.剧痛,撕裂着我孱弱的心壁,似一朵枯萎的花,被风践踏。

6.Some of the dead are in modest, white coffins covered by a sheet with a bouquet of wilted flowers on top.部分死者放置于简朴的白色棺材中,盖着床单,上面放着枯萎的花束。

7.Then I held that wilted flower up to my nose, breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose and smiled as that young boy.于是我拿着那朵凋零的花放到鼻子下,吸入这朵美丽玫瑰花的香味,然后像那个小男孩一样绽开了笑颜。

8.The peony was in full bloom and I was just depghting in its beauty. But not long after, it suddenly wilted completely.这麽盛开的牡丹花,刚才看到才很开心,但是才不久的时间,忽然间整个凋谢了。

9.That instant, her mind thundered a sentence pke pghtning: "The flower wilted, and the bee can only suck the venom on them. "那一刹那间,她脑子里电闪雷鸣般地出现了一句话:“枯萎的鲜花上,蜜蜂只能吮吸到毒汁。”

10.As Avon's share price has wilted pke mascara under a sunlamp, Ms Jung is being pushed out for real.当雅芳公司股价像日光灯下的睫毛膏一样萎缩时,钟彬娴女士确实被推到风口浪尖。