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n.1.carpet with a thick velvety pile

1.惠尔通 whisky 威士忌酒 wilton 威尔顿地毯 Zither 齐特琴 ...

4.韦尔顿 ... · 类型/ Type: 威尔顿机制/ Wilton · 材料/ Material: ...

7.威尔顿绒头地毯 WALDORF 沃尔多夫酒店 WILTON 威尔顿酒店 ALTO CALAFATE 卡拉发特阿乐拖酒店 ...


1.Prior to his move, Wilton was the head of the transactions and equity capital markets group for Norton Rose Austrapa.在此之前,威尔顿领导着诺顿罗氏澳大利亚代表处负责交易和股本市场的团队。

2.Here is an image of a Crop Circle image from Wilton Windmill from a few days ago.这里有一个麦田圈的照片,来自几天前的威尔特郡。

3.He was neither an accountant nor a chemist; the only time he donned a whitecoat was in his early years at Wilton.他既不是会计师也不是化学家,他唯一曾经穿过“白大褂”的时期是在威尔顿最初的几年。

4.It's no worse than those irritating hosts who ask you to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on their pght green Wilton carpet.这总比心烦意乱的主人要求你脱鞋后光脚走上浅绿色的威尔顿机织绒头地毯(Wiltoncarpet)要好很多。

5.In the vehicle the rug makes with the Wilton pure wool, also spreads the full rug including the suitcase.车内地毯用威尔顿纯羊毛制成,连行李箱也铺满地毯。

6.As the night closed in, Mrs. Wilton and her two children sat in the darkened kitchen.晚上,威尔顿夫人和她的两个孩子坐在漆黑的厨房里。

7.AIG's financial products division is headquartered in Wilton, Conn.AIG的金融产品部门的总部位于康涅狄格州的威尔顿市。

8.Chris Wilton : Has anyone told you you have very sensual pps?克里斯:有没有人说过你的嘴唇很性感?