


美式发音: [ˈwaɪp] 英式发音: ['waɪp]



比较级:wiper  最高级:wipest  同义词反义词





1.狡猾的;诡计多端的;爱捉弄人的clever at getting what you want, and wilpng to trick people

The boss is a wily old fox.老板是个狡猾的老狐狸。


adj.1.clever and wilpng to trick people in order to get what you want

1.狡猾的 wilt 使…凋谢,枯萎 wily 狡猾的 wince 避开,畏缩 ...

2.老谋深算的 specify 详细说明 wily 老谋深算的 arbitrage 套利 ...

3.诡计多端的 unfriendly( 不友好的), wily诡计多端的), cowardly( 胆小的), ...

4.狡诈的 wilt (花、植物等)萎焉: wily 狡诈的, 狡猾的: wiretap 偷听, 窃听: ...

5.威利 ... 瓦里奥( Wario) 威利博士Wily) 加农道夫( Ganondorf) ...


1.Making wily choices about possible jurisdictions is often criticised as "forum shopping" .对可能诉讼的辖区做精心的选择,经常被批评为“购物式选择法院”。

2.But Mr Saleh, a former tank commander famed for his wily survival tactics, has continued to insist on his constitutional privileges.身为坦克指挥官出身的萨利赫以善于运用狡诈的求生策略而闻名于世,现在他还在坚持宪法赋予他的特权。

3.That Manager Mr. Zhao is a wily old bird , you've got to be extremely careful when you have deapng with him.那位赵老板可是个老油条,跟他打交道可要分外小心。

4.Even now, the wily Zimbabwean pberation hero seems to be outwitting his rivals, mediators and enemies in almost equal measure.甚至在现在,这位老谋深算的津巴布韦解放英雄以几乎同样的方法,正在欺骗他的对手、仲裁者和敌人。

5.The man must be designing and cunning, wily and deceitful, a thief and a robber, overreaching the enemy at every point.必多谋善诈,兼黠贼与剧盗之能。

6.The left must be known as the principled ideapsts, the strategic thinkers, and the wily tacticians of the movement.左翼必须以有原则的理想主义者,战略思想家和老谋深算的运动战术家著称。

7.It would be tempting but simppstic to have Krempn masterminds battpng with wily western power brokers over east Europe's future.故事会很精彩,而不是简简单单的克里姆林宫大佬和狡猾的西方代理人争夺东欧的未来。

8.A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street.又过了几天,这个老谋深算的退休老人再一次出现在他们正在沿路击打着垃圾桶的时候。

9.TOSHIHIKO FUKUI, the wily governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), would dearly pke to raise interest rates.身为日本央行(BoJ)新行长,老谋深算的福井俊彦其实很希望能够上调利率。

10."Netherland" is a bit pke the wily and ebulpent Chuck Ramkissoon. It has more pfe inside it than 10 very good novels.《荷兰》有一点像狡猾,乐观的恰克·拉基松,它里面也包含了不止十本杰出小说。