


网络释义:维姆;动态称重(Weigh in Motion);行驶中称重


1.维姆的维姆(Wim)矿床. 金刚石和宝石 澳大利亚是当今世界最大的天然金刚石生产国,1998年产量4090万克拉,约占世界金刚石年总产 …

2.动态称重(Weigh in Motion)在动态称重(WIM)出现之前,所有的车辆称重都是在静 止时进行的。 静态测量时的车辆称重正好等于静态车辆的地 心引力,这 …

3.行驶中称重对于行驶中称重WIM)场合,道路质量应符合ASTM标准。· 道路切割机应使用钻石刀片,切割公差为17.46--20.64mm。

4.WoW Instant MessengerWIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 强大的密语纪录插件v3 插件分类 台服5.2版, 国服5.2版, 聊天交流. 暂无讨论 X-Perl UnitFram…

5.动态称重系统例如,由高速动态称重系统(WIM)和静态多秤台汽车衡(Static scale)组成的系统,其工作过程为:车辆在高速驶过高速动态称重 …

6.动态称重技术采用先进的动态称重技术WIM),通过安装在每个车道上的弯板称重传感器,在嵌入式计算机的控制下,对正常高速行驶中 …


1.Future economic historians will probably regard Wim Duisenberg, his predecessor, more kindly than his contemporaries have done.与同时代人相比,将来的经济史学家很可能对特里谢的前任德伊森贝赫(WimDuisenberg)评价更友善。

2.Beside to that, the particular design of the WIM system "s hardware circuit and software structure were given. "其次,对动态车辆称重系统进行了硬件电路和软件结构的详细设计。

3.Dutchman Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman, is the man that swam under ice, and stood in bins filled with ice.荷兰人WimHof因为冰雪人而成名,他能在冰层下游泳、站在装满冰的桶里。

4.Experiment results show that the WIM system can be used in traffic data collection. It also helps in checking overload.经试验验证,该行驶称重系统可用于交通数据采集和辅助实施超载检查。

5.Wim Hof, 48, stood on a street in New York City in a container filled with ice. He stayed there for an hour and 12 minutes.现年四十八岁的威姆.霍夫站在纽约市街头一个装满冰块的容器中一小时又十二分钟;

6.To enhance the performance index of the WIM system, another aspect is uses the appropriate software and hardware technology.提高WIM系统的性能指标另一个方面就是采用恰当的软硬件技术。

7.Windows Vista also includes an authentication technology called Windows Integrity Mechanism (WIM).WindowsVista还包括一项称为“Windows完整性机制”(WIM)的身份验证技术。

8.Wim Hof, 48, stood on a Manhattan street in a clear container filled with ice for an hour and 12 minutes Saturday.星期六,48岁的威姆·霍夫站在曼哈顿大街一个装满了冰块的透明大容器里坚持了一个小时零12分钟。

9.Now the prediction is coming true, says Wim Kö sters, of the Ruhr University in Bochum and one of the original signatories.波鸿鲁尔大学的WimKösters是当初的签署人之一,他表示今天这个预言成了现实。

10.WIM system is a system to determine weight of vehicles moving on highway with normal speed.动态称重系统是一个以确定车辆的重量与正常高速公路前进。