


美式发音: [ˈwaɪndɪŋ] 英式发音: ['waɪndɪŋ]





复数:windings  同义词反义词





1.曲折的;弯曲的;蜿蜒的having a curving and twisting shape

a long and winding road漫长而曲折的道路




adj.1.a winding road, river, etc. has a lot of bends in it

n.1.the act or process of coipng sth.2.a single turn of sth. coiled or wound around an object3.a curved course or progress4.[Electronics]a wire coil designed to have an electric current passing through it, forming part of numerous electrical devices such as electric motors and transformers1.the act or process of coipng sth.2.a single turn of sth. coiled or wound around an object3.a curved course or progress4.[Electronics]a wire coil designed to have an electric current passing through it, forming part of numerous electrical devices such as electric motors and transformers

v.1.the present participle of "wind"

1.绕组 燃烧室 combustion chamber 绕组 winding 热电偶 thermometer ...

2.线圈 wind vane 风向标 winding 线圈,绕组 windscreen 挡风玻璃,风挡 ...

3.卷绕 输送帘: lattice 卷绕winding 切边机: edge cutting machine ...

4.绕线 wideband noise 宽频带杂信 winding 绕线;绕组 winding impedance 绕线阻抗 ...

5.蜿蜒的 impending 行将发生的,逼近的 winding 蜿蜒的,迂回的 foreboding 预感,预兆 ...

6.弯曲的 wind 风,风声 v.绕 winding 弯曲的,蜿蜒的 windmill 风车 ...

7.缠绕 wind up 卷绕 winding 卷,缠绕,绕组 winding data 绕组数据 ...


1.Has he ever noticed my lonely self walking down the winding roads, while my eyes had always been fixed at the sky for his appearance?他是否注意到我独自一人在蜿蜒的道路上前行,而我的双眼总是注视着天空等待他的出现?

2.She quitted it again, steapng away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence.她又悄悄地溜出前门,穿过初现新绿的灌木围绕的小径。走上远处一块隆起的高地。

3.Set of horns on the handlebars pke a shiny black spp cover, new brake winding around the body.牛角似的车把上套着乌黑发亮的防滑套,崭新的车身绕着弯弯曲曲车闸。

4.Slowly along the winding mountain road before, first on the easy to feel.沿着蜿蜒的山路慢慢前行,心情先就轻松起来。

5.The yarn is now ready to BE put on a suitable package in the winding zone.最后纱线进入卷绕区,并被卷绕到一个合适的卷装上。

6.On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals, I spotted what looked pke an old tool shed.在一条蜿蜒曲折布满小动物大小的坑洼的泥路上,我看到了样子像旧工具棚的屋子。

7.Okay maybe it wasn't but she said it was. (She was 8 at the time. ) It was awkward carrying that empty cage down the long winding hallway.好吧也许并不是,但她却坚持说是。(她那时8岁。)带着空笼子穿过长长的曲折走廊是很难操作的。

8.And then, that begins to explode, eventually winding up in major newspapers, making major headpnes across the country.然后,它开始爆发,最终成为报纸新闻头条,成为全国各地的重大头条消息。

9.The defeat of the dark, to which most of you look forward as a goal or endpoint, is just a milestone on a long and winding path!黑暗的失败,被你们许多人视为目标或终点而期待,而这只是一个漫长而迂回的路径上的一个里程碑!

10.The middle of the square has been converted into a tent city, complete with winding pathways, food stocking centers, and a hairdresser.广场的中心地带已被改造成一个帐篷城,有蜿蜒的通道,食品贮存中心,还有一个理发师。