



美式发音: [ˈwɪn(d)ˌmɪl] 英式发音: [ˈwɪn(d)ˌmɪl]






n.1.风车2.旋转玩具,风车玩具3.风车房4.风力发电机5.螺旋桨6.假想的(邪恶的,具威胁性的)敌人或对手,出自塞万提斯《堂吉诃德》,文中主人公将风车幻想成为了巨人.此用法一般用于短语tilt at windmills中7.〈口〉直升飞机1.风车2.旋转玩具,风车玩具3.风车房4.风力发电机5.螺旋桨6.假想的(邪恶的,具威胁性的)敌人或对手,出自塞万提斯《堂吉诃德》,文中主人公将风车幻想成为了巨人.此用法一般用于短语tilt at windmills中7.〈口〉直升飞机


n.1.a tall building with sails long pieces of wood or metal that turn in the wind and produce power to crush grain or produce electricity2.a toy that consists of a long stick with curved pieces of plastic at the top that turn in the wind3.a building with a set of wind-driven revolving sails or blades fitted to the side of its roof that drive a grinding machine inside4.a tall thin building with blades that turn round, used to convert the power of the wind into electricity5.the set of revolving sails or blades on a windmill, or the grinding mechanism inside the building6.imaginary evil opponent7.<spoken>a hepcopter1.a tall building with sails long pieces of wood or metal that turn in the wind and produce power to crush grain or produce electricity2.a toy that consists of a long stick with curved pieces of plastic at the top that turn in the wind3.a building with a set of wind-driven revolving sails or blades fitted to the side of its roof that drive a grinding machine inside4.a tall thin building with blades that turn round, used to convert the power of the wind into electricity5.the set of revolving sails or blades on a windmill, or the grinding mechanism inside the building6.imaginary evil opponent7.<spoken>a hepcopter

v.1.to make something spin or turn pke the sails of a windmill2.to rotate solely by wind force and with no engine power

1.风车 5.The First Snowflakes 初雪 6.Windmills 风车 7.Fly Away 远走高飞 ...

2.风车房 库拉索岛图片 Curacao 1 风车房图片 windmills 2 鸡胚图片 Chicken embryo ...

4.风车-班得瑞催眠曲 Earth melody 大地之歌催眠曲 Windmills 风车-班得瑞催眠曲 Irish Lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮 …

5.海港风车 ~超级天堂滩( Super Paradise Beach) ~海港风车( Windmills) 2. 圣彼得大教堂( Basipca di San Pietro…

6.达坂城的风车 ... 葡萄干 Raisin 达坂城的风车 Windmills 高昌古城中的驴车 Donkey & Boys in Gaochang Ancient City ...

7.米利白色风车路往下走,远远便见到5座雄踞於山坡上迎风摇曳的卡特米利白色风车windmills),以前这里的岛民利用强大的地中海风势 …

8.风力发电机沙漠城市的奇遇:风力发电机(Windmills)与龙卷风台北101的跨年烟火秀之二 处处惊奇的圣地牙哥行之三:教士队棒球场(Petc…


1.Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, where all existing offshore windmills are planted.在海中心的风力普通都比接近岸边强而波动,现有的离岸风电机都装在近岸。

2.Waste was to have been recycled as fuel and the waterfronts were to be pned with sleek micro-windmills.垃圾将被子回收用作燃料,海滨将布满漂亮的微型风车。

3.If all such asteroids turn out to be harmless windmills, it will have been a wasted effort.如果所有的行星都被证实是毫无害处的风车时,那就是白花力气了。

4.Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills-Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal?要是你们决定按斯诺鲍的风车梦想跟从了他会怎样呢?斯诺鲍这家伙,就我们现在所知,不比一个坏蛋强多少。

5.However, the number of windmills which would have to be built and the high cost of the plan means that this is not very practical.但是,所需风车数量之多,要投入的成本数额之大,都说明这个计划不太现实。

6.He said the province has focused on clean solutions by developing solar power, windmills, bio-fuels and nuclear plants.罗省长说,海南省高端重视开发利用清洁能源,包括太阳能,风能,生物质能源以及核能。

7.It's not just a case of windmills and solar panels: gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures.不仅风力发电或太阳能电池板与天气有关:燃气发电厂在低温下效率会更高。

8.Wind turbines and windmills that harness energy generated by the wind are located on this site.此处有风力涡轮机及风车,利用风力产生能源。

9.It's not that the U. S. lacks places off the coast to put the windmills.这倒不是因为美国的海岸线外面缺摆风车的地方。

10.When you think of The Netherlands, the first thing that comes to mind are cheese, wooden shoes, windmills and flower bulbs.当说到荷兰时,首先出现在我们脑海的是奶酪、木鞋、风车和球茎花卉。