


美式发音: [ˈwɪn(d)ˌpaɪp] 英式发音: ['wɪn(d).paɪp]






1.气管the tube in the throat that carries air to the lungs


n.1.the tube in your body that carries air into your lungs from your nose or mouth

1.气管 nerve 神经 windpipe 气管 heart 心脏 ...

2.嗓门 windowsill 窗台 windpipe 气管,嗓门 windscreen 挡风玻璃 ...

3.喉咙 ... scream: 尖叫 windpipe: 喉咙 jacket: 外套 ...

4.砝码 溶质,溶解物 solution// 重量,砝码windpipe// bromine// 溴 ...

5.风管有脊椎的陆地动物的气管是一个软管,也叫风管windpipe),空气通过气管在喉部(喉,也叫voice box)和肺部之间穿行。 …


1.He thought he had lung cancer, but X-rays revealed that it was a plant sprouting inside his windpipe.75岁的斯维登本以为自己患上肺癌,而X光检查结果却显示,他的症结并非癌症而是气管里长出的一颗豌豆芽。

2.Mainly used for: an assistance drug of general anaesthetics as the muscle relaxant in the windpipe surgical operation .主要用于:作为全麻辅助用药,用于全麻时的气管插管及手术中的肌肉松弛。

3.To check your pulse over your carotid artery, place your index and middle fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe.通过你的颈动脉来测量脉搏需要你将食指和中指放在你脖子上靠近气管的一边。

4.The heart also is attached to the windpipe, by connexions of fat, gristle, and sinew; and at the point of juncture there is a hollow.心脏也被气管依附,依靠脂肪,脆骨和肌肉的连接,而且在结合点是中空的。

5.This was repopulated with cells from Ms Castillo's windpipe and nose, and stem cells from her bone marrow .这是利用来自于MsCastillo的气管和鼻子上的细胞以及骨髓里的干细胞进行重新的移植。

6.Do you know how easy it would be for me to crush your windpipe?你知道我掐断你的喉咙有多容易吗

7.Claudia Castillo suffered a collapsed windpipe after a severe tuberculosis infection, and was barely able to breathe.克劳迪娅·卡斯蒂略在经历了一次严重的肺结核感染之后气管受损,几乎不能呼吸。

8.One is a 9-month-old infant, adopted from Korea, who was born without a windpipe and breathes through a hole in her esophagus.其中一位是一个被收养的韩国婴儿,9个月大,她天生就没有气管,只能通过开在食道上的一个孔呼吸。

9.A 10-year-old British boy has become the first child to undergo a windpipe transplant with an organ crafted from his own stem cells.一位10岁的英国男孩成为世界上首位接受气管移植手术的儿童,被移植的器官是使用他身体中的干细胞创造的。

10.As you faint, the doctor said, as your neck goes pmp and your head flops, your windpipe becomes blocked and you can't breath.医生说,当你昏厥时,颈部松弛脑袋一偏,会阻塞气管让你无法呼吸。