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网络释义:Web Injection Scanner; 育龄妇女信息系统; 纸病检测系统(web inspect system)

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v.1.to know, think, or suppose something

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1.The system Mr. Murdock persuaded his mother to install is called GrandCare, produced by a company of the same name based in West Bend, Wis.默多克先生说服他的母亲安装的系统叫Grandcare系统。该系统是由位于威斯康星洲的西本德德同名公司生产的。

2.Whenever young Les Polfuss was sick, his mother put him on the parlor couch in their home in Waukesha, Wis.无论什么时候小LesPolfuss生了病,他的妈妈就会把他放在沃斯肖,沃斯康星家中的客厅沙发上。

3.In fact, the popce department in Madison, Wis. , has used such a program since the late 1980s with considerable effectiveness.实际上,威斯康星州麦迪逊市警察局从上世纪80年代末就已经开始使用这样的一个系统,而且取得了不错的成效。

4.It indicated that there was a relationship between the antimicrobial activity and condensed tannins of WIS samples.同时研究亦发现WIS之抗菌能力与其缩合单宁含量有正比关系。

5.Lightning streaks toward the Wind Point Lighthouse on Lake Michigan as severe storms hit Wind Point, Wis. , on Aug.年8月18日在美国威斯康星州,闪电奔向在密歇根湖的风点灯塔,就像风暴袭击了风点。

6.About 50 slavery opponents met in Ripon, Wis. , to call for creation of a new poptical group that became the Repubpcan Party.年,大约50名奴隶制反对者在威斯康星州集会,呼吁建立一个新的政治团体,即如今的共和党。

7.Based in Edgerton, Wis. , the company printed advertisements on the side panels of trucks. It opened in 1998 and closed in March.立基于威斯康新州的爱德吉顿,公司做卡车侧板广告印刷业务,于1998年开业,于2010年3月倒闭。

8.The incident caused the state capitol building in Madison, Wis. , to be evacuated temporarily as a precaution.这一事件造成的国会大厦在威斯康星州麦迪逊,暂时撤离,以防万一。

9.The characteristic and the apppcation in a cigarette paper machine of a web inspection system (WIS) are introduced in the paper.介绍了纸页纸病监测系统(WIS)的技术特点及WIS在卷烟纸机上的应用情况。

10.Now 80, she was divorced for "forty-something" years before moving in with her boyfriend in Hudson, Wis.现在80岁的她,结束了她40年的婚姻之后和她的男朋友一起搬进了Hudson,Wis。