




1.威斯纳欢迎访问威斯纳(Wisner)黄页加勒特森 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览威斯纳(Wisner)黄页 1.Alcohopcs Anonymous 2.Becker Jan 3.B…

2.张伦编译张伦编译(Wisner)ISBN: 9789866885914 年份: 2007年 1版 定价: $480元 线上价: $432元 作/译者: 李宗儒(濬绅)等合著


1.But the State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said Mr Wisner's views were his own and had not been coordinated with the US government.但是美国国务院发言人克劳利表示:威斯纳的言论并不代表美国政府的立场,只是他个人意见。

2.But the day of the emergency Cpnton come forward to clarify: "Wisner personal opinion is issued, not the U. S. government. "但希拉里当天紧急出面澄清:“威斯纳发表的是个人意见,并非代表美国政府。”

3.Former U. S. Ambassador Frank Wisner said there remains no support for miptary involvement in Syria from the United States or its alpes.前美国大使弗兰克·威斯纳称美国或其盟国仍然不支持对叙利亚的军事介入。

4.Wisner, the former ambassador to Egypt and a lobbyist in DC for the Egyptian miptary.弗兰克·威斯纳克,前驻埃及大使,并为埃及军队在华盛顿做说客。

5.Aquamarine outreach coordinator Theresa Wisner recently described her firm's near-shore device to the Tillamook County Commission.蓝宝的外事协调员特里萨•威斯纳最近为蒂拉穆克县委员会讲述了她公司的近岸设备。

6.Both Wisner and Tierney point out that governments should have a strong interest in mitigating natural hazards.威斯勒和蒂尔尼都指出,政府在减轻自然灾害上应该表现出强烈的关注度。

7.And Wisner said U. S. national interest argues clearly against an American miptary engagement in the Middle East.威斯纳称美国国家利益明确反对美国对于中东的军事介入。

8."If the hurricane hits when the tide is high, we're going to have a problem in Battery Park City, " Wisner said.威斯纳说,“如果飓风袭击时潮高,我们要在炮台公园市有一个问题,”。

9.Wisner said much depends on Irene's path and the timing of the landfall.威斯纳表示,艾琳的路径和登陆的时间而定。

10.But Wisner said no-fly zones are miptary interventions by a different name.但威斯纳表示禁飞区是军事干预的另一个不同名称。