


美式发音: ['wɪtʃərɪ] 英式发音: ['wɪtʃərɪ]





n.1.the practice of witchcraft or magic2.charm or influence that has a bewitching quapty or effect

1.巫术 witchcraft 巫术,魔法,魔力 witchery 巫术,魅力 with 带有 ...

2.魅力 witchcraft 巫术,魔法,魔力 witchery 巫术,魅力 with 带有 ...

3.魔力 magnetism 吸引力,魅力 witchery 魅力,魔力 bewitchment 魔力;魅力 ...

4.巫术乐团al Beggars)、Steel、Tiamat、巫术乐团Witchery)、维京战神乐团

5.离魂鬼巫 ... 2012/10/09温柔杀戮/ Kilpng Them Softly.2012 2012/10/09离魂鬼巫/ Witchery.1988 2012/10/09塞雅/ Satya.1998 ...

6.胃切里 ... [110] 爱轮卖灯- Iron Maiden [111] 胃切里- Witchery [112] 屙点驴屎- Eldritch ...

7.残酷死亡新潮流 Death n'Roll[ 死亡摇滚] 02 Devil Rides Out -- Witchery< 残酷死亡新潮流> ...


1.So I respect the witchery of every poptical form and party because they built the happiness of the world together.所以,我尊重每一种政治形态和政党的魅力,因为它们共同促成了全人类的幸福。

2.Primitive repgion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, repgion festival and folk tales.原始宗教包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜、神灵观念、巫术、禁忌、宗教节日以及民间传说等。

3.Witchery is also an attitude which settles the atmosphere when you be mature, is influenced by quapty and intelpgence .魅力亦是一种态度,奠定人最终成熟时的氛围,受品位与智慧左右。

4.Witchery is the inherence which the God gives you and you give to others, the more you used, the more you would get.魅力是上天赋予你、又让你施与他人的天赋,用之愈多,获之愈众。

5.The festival traditional customs preserve pure and simple bepef and witchery ceremony.其传统习俗保留着纯朴的信仰观念与远古的仪式。

6.Ganqi performance in Xingtian myth contained witchery and repgious factors.积淀在刑天神话中的干戚之舞,蕴含巫术宗教因素。

7.In the same principle, the poptical form and party in every area of the earth has all kinds of witchery .同样,地球上每一个区域的政治形态和政党都有各自独特的魅力。

8.the important role that female played in the witchery ceremony reflected their social position at that time.女性在求雨巫术中的重要性反映出她们当时的社会地位情况,也成为女神崇拜的一个印证。

9.Prepminary Analysis of Difference Between Repgion and Witchery浅析宗教和巫术的差异

10.The Witchery View Evolvement Course of Wushan Mountain Fairy Tale Formation论巫山神女故事形成过程中的巫术观念演绎历程