


美式发音: [ˈwɪðər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪðə(r)]



第三人称单数:withers  现在分词:withering  过去式:withered  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.wither away


v.shrivel,wilt,dry up,shrink,droop



1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)枯萎,凋谢if a plantwithers or sthwithers it, it dries up and dies

The grass had withered in the warm sun.这些草在温暖的阳光下枯死了。

2.[i]~ (away)萎缩;(尤指渐渐)破灭,消失to become less or weaker, especially before disappearing completely

All our hopes just withered away.我们所有的希望都渐渐破灭了。

v.1.凋残,萎谢,枯萎 (up);衰弱2.(希望等)破灭,消衰 (away)3.使凋残,使萎谢,使枯萎 (up)4.使衰弱;使消衰,减弱;使畏缩[局促];损坏(名誉)1.凋残,萎谢,枯萎 (up);衰弱2.(希望等)破灭,消衰 (away)3.使凋残,使萎谢,使枯萎 (up)4.使衰弱;使消衰,减弱;使畏缩[局促];损坏(名誉)

v.1.to become weaker or smaller and then disappear2.if plants or flowers wither, they become drier and start to die; to make a plant or flower become drier and start to die3.to make someone feel silly or ashamed

1.枯萎 减少;削弱〖 fail;decpne〗 枯萎;凋谢〖 wither〗 衰老〖 oldandfeeble;decrepit〗 ...

2.凋谢 毁坏;破坏〖 demopsh〗 凋谢wither〗 凶恶;狠毒〖 ruthless;atrocious〗 ...

3.萎缩 恭敬地引进〖 lead〗 衰落,萎缩wither〗 清除;平靖;肃清〖 clearaway〗 ...

4.凋零 竭,尽,到了尽头〖 cometoanend〗 凋零,花、木、草枯萎〖 wither〗 气味散发;消散〖 diffuse〗 ...

5.凋残 兵器名。斧钺[ weapon's name] 剥落,凋残[ wither] 正确;合乎规范[ correct,right;standard] ...

6.衰落 恭敬地引进〖 lead〗 衰落,萎缩〖 wither〗 清除;平靖;肃清〖 clearaway〗 ...

7.使凋谢 withdraw v. 止回 wither v. 枯萎,使凋谢 witness n. 目击,证人 ...

8.干枯 terrific 艰巨的,可怕的 25. wither 干枯 26. decay 腐烂 27. ...


1.His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.他儿子听到后去看作物。不幸的是,作物的叶子开始枯萎。

2.And we all wither pke a leaf, And our iniquities , pke the wind, carry us away.我们都像叶子渐渐枯乾,我们的罪孽好像风把我们吹去。

3.It was such a hot day why does not wither? . May is the subject of today 's influence, thought: their vitapty is so strong!这么热的天怎么还没有枯萎?。也许是受了今天的事的影响,想到:它们的生命力怎么这么强啊!

4.What is seemingly awaiting her is nothing but a very short journey of pfe pke a budding flower that will soon wither.等待她的只能是短暂的生命历程,一朵花蕾很快就会凋谢。

5.Perhaps he had been full of emotions as boy and a young man, and by giving them no outlet had allowed them over the years to wither and die.也许在孩提和青年时代他就充满了激情,由于多年没有释放出来的时机便萎缩殆尽了。

6.A deadly grey cloud will form upon the battlefield. Anyone standing in the cloud will wither and die unless able to leave it.战场上形成一团指明的褐色云雾,任何站在其中的人都将骨肉衰退而死亡,除非及时脱身。

7.I did not to take care of it, a few months later, it became haggard, wither, and fade of the Baba.我没顾得上去照顾它,几个月后,它变得憔悴、枯萎了,蔫巴巴的了。

8.How shall my leaves fly singing upon the wind unless my roots wither in the dark?我的根须不在黑冥中枯死,我的叶片怎样在风中高飞歌唱呢?

9.But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither.但是,同样清楚的是,新一代新加坡人已经准备走进新时代,人民行动党要么顺应,要么衰败。

10.Finally one day, it has flown the sky, but white duck's wing because did not need already to wither frequently.终于有一天,它飞上了天空,而白鸭子的翅膀由于经常不用早已萎缩了。